CM WebClient File Upload Setup

CM WebClient File Upload Setup

File Upload

This guide will show you how to upload files to your Web Server from your WebClient application.

1. Import the attached zip Java Project into your Eclipse Workspace.

2. Right click your Java Project, and select Properties. Under “Java Build Path”, add reference in the Projects tab to the “FileUploadServlet” project. And in the Libraries tab, add a reference to the “commons-io-2.1.jar”, which is in the “FileUploadServlet” project.

3. Right click your Web Project, and select Properties. Under “Java Build Path”, add reference in the Projects tab to the “FileUploadServlet” project.

4. Right click your Web Project, select New, then Servlet. Check the option “Use an existing Servlet class or JSP”. Then click “Browse” to add the existing UploadServlet to your web project. This will update the web.xml with your new servlet.

5. For the Web Project, select the Deployment Assembly property and click 'Add…'. Select Project, then select the FileUploadServlet project. Click 'Add…' again, then 'Archives from Workspace', then 'Add…' again. Now expand the FileUploadServlet project and select the two commons*.jar files.

6. In your file, add the following setting.

# Upload Servlet Location
Define.WSUPLOAD=/{Your Web Project name}/UploadServlet

The default value will be /{Your Web Project name}/UploadServlet. If you want to change the url-pattern for your upload servlet in the web.xml file, the “/UploadServlet” part of this setting will need to change to whatever you set your url-pattern to:


7. In Plex, create an upload pattern function called “~WebUploadShell”. This should inherit from “~WebShell” and “~DetailPopup”.

8. Create two fields “UploadFileName” and “UploadControl” with the following triples and values:

9. Add the field “UploadFileName” to the ~WebUploadShell panel in a region called “UploadP”.

10. In the panel editor for “~WebUploadShell”, hide the label for “UploadFileName”, and add the following control name to the edit for “UploadFileName”:


NOTE: There are 2 upload templates “UploadFileEdit” provides a Browse button to allow the file to be selected, while “DragUploadFileEdit” provides a region where a file can be dragged to.  Both templates take up the size of the edit control on the panel and display a progress bar within the region while the file is being uploaded.

Currently the “UploadFileEdit” template is the only one that can be used multiple times on the same panel, each time must use a unique control name.

11. In the panel editor for “~WebUploadShell”, create an event called “UploadComplete” and attach it to the “Updated” physical event for the “UploadFileName” edit control.

12. Create a source code object “SaveUploadDestination”. Add 2 parameters fields “UploadFileName” and “UploadControl”.  Add the following source code:

import com.adcaustin.webplex.WebPlexLog;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
// Store the upload destination in a session attribute so it can be retrieved by the UploadServlet
try {
        HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) getApp().getFromUserStorage("javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest" );
        HttpSession session = request.getSession();
        session.setAttribute(&(2:).toString() + "UploadDestination", &(1:).toString());
} catch (Exception e) {
        WebPlexLog.errorLog(e, "Error setting session attribute");

NOTE: The upload template allows for multiple upload controls on the same panel, so you will need to call this code for each control, passing in the control name each time.  The control name is the first part of the control name parameter before the first colon, so in the example above it will be “UploadFile”.

If you want to extract the names of the uploaded files from js to plex, see the following section: "How to extract the names of uploaded files".

 13. In the action diagram for “~WebUploadShell”, add the following code:

Map the parameters of the API Call passing in the panel field and control name:

 14. Now that the patterns are created, have whatever function you want to have upload capability inherit from “~WebUploadShell”.

15. In the “Edit Point Set Upload Folder”, you will need to set the location on the Web Server where you want the file to upload to UploadP<UploadFileName> and do a Put UploadP. If you need to perform code when the upload completes, please put this code in the UploadComplete event.   When running, the UploadFileName field will appear as an upload button. When clicked, it will take you to a file selection window, when selected, the file will begin uploading.

NOTE: The placement of the UploadFileName field in the panel is based on a different html form than that of regular WebClient. It positions relative to the top of the panel, not relative to other objects. So, it will take some experimentation to get the placement exactly how you want it.

How to extract the names of uploaded files

1.       In order to extract the names of the selected and uploaded files, first you must create a local variable with 3 fields. The "String_FileNames" field stores the string with all the names of the uploaded files. The "CurrentFileName" field stores the individual name of the currently selected file within the "String_FileNames" field. And the "Validation_Flag" field (type: FIELDS/YesNo) is used to see if there are any other names left within the "String_FileNames" field.

2.       Create the following source code:

                String OriginalFileNamesString = &(1:).toString();
               String FileName = &(2:).toString();
                String Flag = &(3:).toString();

                FileName = 
                OriginalFileNamesString = OriginalFileNamesString.replaceAll("^.+?(?=);", "");
                if(OriginalFileNamesString.indexOf(";") == -1){
                               Flag = "N";


In the action diagram add the following code. This code must be placed on an event that's tied to the "Modified" physical event. (The ProcessUpload<String_FileNames> local variable must recieve the string containing all the file names before the source code is executed).


4.  Add the next Define in the in order to execute the code to extract the names.


Additional Notes
By default, the upload template will allow a single file to be uploaded at a time. It can be configured to allow multiple files at a time on supported browsers* by adding the “multiple” parameter to the control name, e.g.


* Due to a limitation in Internet Explorer, only single files can be uploaded at a time.

Filenames can be encoded to prevent issues saving files with unsupported characters, e.g. uploading file “Chinese 工作的呢?.txt” will normally be saved as “Chinese ¹¤×÷µÄÄØ£¿.txt” but the filename can be encoded in UTF-8 as “Chinese+%C2%B9%C2%A4%C3%97%C3%B7%C2%B5%C3%84%C3%84%C3%98%C2%A3%C2%BF.txt”.

To specify this, add the “encfilename” control name parameter, e.g.


The upload control displays the filename of the last file uploaded. To clear the value, just perform a “Put” statement on the control field, e.g.

Put UploadP<UploadFileName>

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