WebClient Workshops
Incident Reporter for Web
Video Walkthrough Pattern Functions All functions will be under "Patterns.Web". GoogleMap This pattern is a simple UIBasicShell. It displays a single field: GoogleMap for GoogleMap. This field has a Control Name of ...
Incident Reporter for Mobile
Video Walkthrough Pattern Functions All functions will be under "Patterns.Mobile". CordovaPage This function inherits from ~WebShell, and has an IMPL Name of Cordova. Any function inheriting from this will use the Cordova-page.ctrl template. This ...
Incident Reporter Setup
Download Workshop Materials Workspace Setup The workspace is already configured, but you will need Eclipse with the Android SDK installed. To do this, please follow the instructions listed here: developer.android.com/sdk Database setup We are using ...
TrafficCam for Web
Watch the Walkthrough We are going to develop a web application with CA Plex and CM First's WebClient templates. The application will allow us to access a network of real-time traffic cameras around the State of Maryland, view their live video feeds, ...
TrafficCam for Mobile
Watch the Walkthrough We are going to develop a mobile application with CA Plex and CM First's WebClient mobile templates. The application will allow us to access a network of real-time traffic cameras around the State of Maryland, view their live ...
TrafficCam Workshop Installation
Installation If you have the available space on your C: drive, extract the provided .zip file to 'C:\WebClient Workshop'. NOTE: The Workshop is configured to work from location 'C:\WebClient Workshop', if you are unable to install it there, we can ...
TrafficCam Overview
Introduction This installation contains everything a Plex developer needs to try out the WebClient workshop. The workshop files include the Eclipse IDE, Java run-time, Tomcat Server, Derby Database, Android Development Tools, Cordova platform, Plex ...