WebClient User Manual
How to Implement Outlook Style Calendar View Using EventCalendar.ctrl
Create a grid function with the following fields. Event Id (Column Heading=Event Id) StartDate (Column Heading=Start Date) StartTime (Column Heading=Start Time) EndTime (Column Heading=End Time) Event Description (Column Heading=Summary) ViewType ...
WebClient Manual
Here you can find the articles of the CM WebClient user manual, just click on the name and it will take you directly to the article. Introduction Installation Requirements Plex Model Configuration Overview of Workspace Setup Calling WebClient from an ...
How to Display an Image and Text in the Same Grid Cell
1. Set the control name of the grid. 2. For the column where you need the information from, you will need to set the column to visible but set the width to 0 and set the control name of the column. <controlname>:<column text> For example: ...
How to Display an Image in a Grid Cell
1. Set the control name of the grid. 2. On the column name where you want to display the image, set the Text Property of the column heading as follows. <control name>:<grid control name>.ColumnsArea:template=WebImageGrid:<column heading text> ...
Using OBASE with WebClient
For OBASE, a good start is to import the attached file (WebClientOBASESupport) into the model (Tools->Import->XML Import). Attached files description: WebClientOBASEOnly: It's for when the Plex model only uses OBASE. WebClientOBASESupport: It's when ...
How to add items with dual values on a combo box
This tutorial show you how to create an item on a combo box that implements two values, one will be the key value of the item and the other would be the description of the item. You can achieve this by creating a custom API function to add the items ...
iSeries Spool File and Operations Menu with WebClient
Object Location All Plex objects are scoped under the “iSeries Items” entity. If any changes need to be made, then these objects will need to be inherited from. Non-Plex Files To run these processes fully, you will need 3 files (Download the ZIP with ...
Upgrading CM WebClient v1.6.x to CM WebClient v1.8.x
Download com.adcaustin.webclient.WebClientPlugin-1.8.jar. Note: The new WebClient plugin version "1.8.7" requires Eclipse from 2020-03 (4.15.0) onwards. Close your eclipse application. Delete the old version of your WebClient Plugin Builder from ...
How to Implement Rich Tooltip to an Edit Field
Rich tooltip feature enables the user to see tooltips with images and formatted text on an edit field. This feature also enables the developer to specify the delay time after hovering before it displays the tooltip message. The information of the ...
How to Implement Rich Tooltip to a Grid Field
Rich tooltip on a grid feature enables the user to see tooltips with images and formatted text on a grid cell upon hovering. This feature also enables the developer to specify the delay time after hovering before it displays the tooltip message. The ...
Implementing Chart.ctrl
WebClient supports displaying data in several basic charts based on the C3 and D3 JavaScript libraries. Chart.ctrl now allows you to display your data in pie, donut, line, bar, and spline chart formats. The grid should have exactly two columns ...
How to implement file viewer in WebClient using Office Web Viewer
Reference https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/blog/2013/04/10/office-web-viewer-view-office-documents-in-a-browser/ How to implement the FileViewer.ctrl The FileViewer.ctrl template is applied over an edit control in your Plex panel, at ...
Open PDF Files in WebClient
This tutorial describes how to open a PDF file from WebClient by using a custom template. This template uses the panel title as the URL to open the file. To implement this template, follow these steps: In Eclipse, create a custom template file called ...
Define Dictionary
Define is used to set directives in WebClient.properties file. Below is the list of available define that can be used in WebClient.properties file. Define.WCTHEME= The value can be either claro or flat theme. If it is not set, tundra theme will be ...
Calling WebClient from an External Application
This section demonstrates how to pass a parameter to WebClient function. The following example is based on wxpcourse60 model calling the function WXwF, which prompts the user to insert an item record. The first step is to create a URL which calls the ...
How to Terminate a WebClient Session Via a Source Code
Create a source code object called “CloseSession” and add this code: javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req = (javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest) getApp().getFromUserStorage("javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest" ); if (req != null) { ...
Configuring Session Timeout in Apache Tomcat
The session timeout is the maximum length of time that Tomcat will retain the information pertaining to a user's session, in the absence of any user activity. This value is configurable per application as follows: Open the web.xml file of your Web ...
How to get WebClient generator id
1. Download and unzip the ZIP file GetGeneratorID containing the adcls.jar and cmwebclientmachineidgen.jar files attached to this article to a temporary directory. 2. You would need to have a Java installed in the machine to run the jar file. 3. Open ...
Plex Model Configuration
Overview In order for Plex Java functions to work with CM WebClient, each panel function must inherit from a WebClient base function. This function is called ~WebShell and it is located in the WebClient group model. This section explains how to set ...
Implementing the WebImageGallery custom template
This custom template is based on galleriajs and it is applying to a Grid control. Its functionality consists of displaying a gallery of images extracted from webproject/WebContent/images folder. To implement this control please follow the steps ...
Installation Requirements
This are the sofwares you need to start the webclient installation 1. Eclipse IDE 2019 2. CM WebClient 1.7.0 or higher 3. CM WebClient 1.8.6 builder plugin or higher 4. PlexBuild project 5. CM WebClient 6.0 Group Model (can be upgraded) Please ...
CM WebClient is an extension to the CA Plex (Plex) development environment. It allows CA Plex-developed Java GUI applications to be deployed as web applications with minimal modifications. In order to use CM WebClient to deploy an application, you ...
Deploying a WebClient application as a WAR file
You can deploy your WebClient application by exporting it to a WAR file and then publish it to a Tomcat server, to do this follow these steps: Installing the Tomcat server service a. Download the Tomcat service installer from the Tomcat official page ...
Setting National Language Dynamically at Runtime
WebClient Multi-Language Support OBJECTIVE This document exemplifies the process to support multi-language in a WebClient dynamically via changes at run-time. This process exemplifies the process to setup and configure an application that will ...
Generate the Full URL for Uploaded Files on a Server
Most commonly when you save a file in your server you will be using a context name to define the physical location in which the files are stored and also you may be using the same context name for the file paths in your database records, see the ...
Download File From URL Control Template Manual
The “DownloadFileFromURL.ctrl” template can be used to download files stored in your server, to implement this template follow these instructions: In Eclipse, copy the “DownloadFileFromURL.ctrl” file into your “Custom Templates” folder In Plex create ...