HSync Documentation
Sencha CMD Windows Installation Manual
Sencha CMD is a cross-platform command line tool that provides many automated tasks around the full life-cycle of your applications from generating a new project to deploying an application to production. In order to install and use the Sencha CMD ...
HSyncBackUp Manual
HsyncBackUp is an Eclipse project that contains an Apache Ant script to save and restore custom files from a specific folder on your workspace project to a destination folder to back them up and then restore back to the original location. In order to ...
Application Deployment with Android Devices
The following steps assume you have already created a WebClient Mobile application. The process describes the steps to perform the installation of Cordova/PhoneGap, adding the necessary plugins, configure the application launch, create and setup the ...
Totals Calculation
To implement this feature it is necessary to inherit from the ability to List Totals, which is done via the triple: MyEntity is a Ability.ListTotals. This will inherit a view 'TotalAttributes' which will be added any field(s) that need to be totaled. ...
Add Capability to Define the Entry Point of the Application
The entry point can be specified in the obclient.properties file. Eclipse In Eclipse look for obclient.properties and specify the entry point as the main page, althout it can be the login page too. Add Generation.Custom.EntryView=view.Main In this ...
Provide a Method to Calculate Values for Derived Attributes
Plex This example will use the entity OrderDetail where a derived field will be added. Enter the following triple: OrderProcessing.OrderDetail has a derived FLD LineTotal. Generate Changes. On the test Model there is an OrderProcessingbuildObjects ...
Field Customization
To implement field customization we need to make our field(s) inherit from Field Plex For this example will use the Customer entity. We will add a password field OrderProcessing.Customer has FLD AppPassword. After adding the field, define what type ...
Implement Abilities to Control the Code Generation Process to Control the Application Behavior
CustomFormButtons.inc is a good example to exemplify the addition of custom code within the test application presented in this document. In this example, we will be adding a button to navigate to a specific form ‘Supplier Info’. Adding the custom ...
Key Data Restriction
Plex This requirement is for the ability to restrict children records by parent for implementation on drill-down navigation. For this example we will use the entity OrderProcessing.Order to inherit from DrillDownParent: OrderProcessing.Order is a ENT ...
Drill-Down Navigation
To implement this feature follow this process: For the parent, add the triple ENT is a ENT Ability.DrillDownParent For the child, add the triple ENT is a ENT Ability.DrillDownChild This will provide a button for each child on the edit form for the ...
Filtered Grid
This feature has been implemented for the Edit Grid only which currently only supports text fields. To implement, define the following inheritance: MyEntity ENT is ENT Ability.FilterList With this, you will inherit a non-implementable view ...
Edit Grid
Edit Grid can be found in the current version of HSync templates. To implement add the triple: MyEntity ENT is a ENT Ability.EditList By default all fields are editable. To prevent a field from being edited, add it to the local variable 'NonEditable' ...