Frequently Asked Questions
WebClient 1.8.8: Supports Plex 7.3
Webclient supports Plex 7.3 you can get the lates version of webclient here You can also take a look to the "URL for software and plugins" article, to check the new Compatibility Matrix
Customizing in CM WebClient
Attach point A template for a given screen can be generated from more than one template by using attach points. The templates are arranged in order from root to leaf. An attach point is a location defined in a template that other templates further ...
Statement regarding the security vulnerability in log4j
On December 10, NIST disclosed a vulnerability CVE-2021-44228, with regards to log4j package version 2.0-beta9 through 2.14.1. In response, we investigated the usage of log4j in CM WebClient and we determine that WebClient does not use a log4j ...
How To...
1. Group Model Q: How do I change WebClient group model from licensed version to non-licensed version? A: a. Login to your group model and remove the old WebClient group model and add the new WebClient group model from your library list. b. Extract a ...
Developer Blog
Check out the developer blog for technical tips and articles.
How to implement the WebClientMultisession Servlet
By default WebClient can only maintain one WebClient session for the same browser, this causes that even if you open your WebClient application in multiple tabs, all of those tabs will share the same information, to change this you can use the ...
Dynamic Tree Menu Implementation
This article describes you how to create a dynamic tree menu in WebClient, this menu generate its nodes according to the data defined in a database table. Considerations: Before continue this guide you should read the following manuals: Web Accordion ...
How Request a Webclient License?
1 - Select the green “Submit a Request” button 2 - Fill in the details of your request. Some of these fields may not apply to your request. At the very least, fill in all the required fields. If there is a non-required field and you’re not sure what ...