Advanced Control Reference
How to Implement Image Gallery
In this article, we will be showing an example how we can use other Javascript library other than Dojo Toolkit in WebClient and how to implement an image gallery using 1. Create a Plex grid function where one of the grid ...
Web Embedded File
This control template will allow you to display files within your WebClient page. Primarily this is used to display images dynamically on your page. 1) Copy WebEmbeddedFile.ctrl into your Custom Templates folder so that it can be referenced by ...
Web Accordion Menu
This template will allow you to use a framed menu screen, which uses an Accordion Menu and loads menu functions into a ChildSite. 1) In your eclipse workspace, save WebMenuFrame-page.wcli file (ZIP attached in this article with the files) to your ...
Crystal Reports
This guild will show you how to set up and run your Crystal Reports in WebClient. Download article files here Plex Setup All the Plex objects that you will need are in the WebClient Components group model. "_CrystalReportsXI.UI.ViewCrystalReportFull" ...