Frequently Asked Questions
How to solve the Invalid method Code length issue?
This issues is b/c the Java code Hit Java limit, which human is impossible to hit but generator hits, this is Java limitation that does not exist in RPG, here is the information you will need in order to solve the issue in the specific functions but ...
Call RPG Programs from M3
To call RPG From the M3 Pattern you have 2 options to inherit from: @EXCUSRPGM This is the default pattern , this uses the JT400 toolkit to make the call to the RPG program. Requirements To use this you should use the M3 Login process as this ...
CM WebClient for CM M3
Pre-requisites CA Plex dispatcher – The System i TCP/IP Dispatcher is required when the transformed applications call external iSeries objects (RPG, CL programs) Properties Configuration This is the file were the AS400 ...
M3 Batch Process
M3 Batch Processor Flow: The M3 web application inform the M3 run-time the next function call is to be processed asynchronously as a Batch Job M3 creates a JSON document that describes the function to call and its parameters M3 run-time redirects the ...
Eclipse Settings
64bit Eclipse Luna or Later is recommended SSD Drive for Eclipse, Java SDK, and Workspace recommended Use the following memory settings in the Eclipse INI --launcher.appendVmargs -vmargs -Xms2000m -Xmx8000m -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:PermSize=3000M ...
Recommend Versions for CM M3 Development
The following recommended versions are published as an FYI for CM M3 / CM WebClient development. These are guidelines only, for alternative supported versions please consult the respective product documentation. These recommendations are current as ...
Recommended Dev Software Installation Notes
Install CA Plex to standard program directories Install JDK in the standard program directories Create a root dev folder RootDev to contain Plex models, dev workspace, eclipse/spring software, and Tomcat <root-dev> localmodels local models and gen ...
What are the Mock Migration and Final Migration project steps?
The Mock Migration is an important intermediate step in the CM M3 migration process. The mock migration has these major goals: Verifies that the entire model can be transformed, and that transformation errors are documented and queued for CM M3 ...