CM MetaAnalytics User Manual
CM Meta Analytics Plugins
The CM Meta Analytics engine supports plugins in its architecture. Plugins are able to contribute functionality such as additional methods to detect input files, and data structures to store additional information. Plugins are automatically loaded at ...
Embedded SQL Language Support (All Languages)
HLL scanners will emit 3 XML element types: SqlTable, SqlColElem, and SqlColumn. SqlTable is equivalent to the ARZOS TABLE entity. It will be identified by SERVER_NAME, CREATOR, and TB_NAME. SqlColumn will be emitted for any reference to a column ...
Source Scanner for HLASM/ASM
This document describes the entities and relations the HLASM Scanner creates on encountering various ALC code constructs. Metrics The scanner computes a variety of standard code-line metrics, including: total lines of code comment line count blank ...
Source Scanner for IBM JCL
This document describes the entities and relations the JCL Scanner creates on encountering various JCL code constructs. Current output Structures Jobs Procedures (cataloged and in-stream) JobSteps(EXEC) Properties File-levelmetrics Procedure default ...
Source Scanner for IBM Enterprise COBOL
XML Elements This document describes the XML entities and relations the COBOL scanner creates on encountering various COBOL code constructs. CA_Repository_COBOL_Model XML document root element. Attributes: id - Unique element identifier. ...
Running the Source Code Scanner
After an application subdirectory has been loaded into the scanning directory with a valid file, it will be entered into the source code scanner as a job with pending status. With a web browser on the scanning server, navigate ...
Installation Configuration Preparing Source Code for Scanning Running the Source Code Scanner Source Scanner for IBM Enterprise COBOL Source Scanner for IBM JCL Source Scanner for HLASM/ASM Embedded SQL Language Support (All Languages) CM Meta Analytics Plugins Preparing Source Code for Scanning
In order to scan source code into repository, the source code must be collected into a subdirectory under the scanning directory on the scanning server. In addition, a manifest file must be created in order to describe the source code. The ...
Verifying the initial configuration After the installation has completed, navigate to the following URL in a web browser: http://localhost:8082/ It may take a few moments for the server component to initialize. Once the page has loaded, you will see ...
Prerequisites CM Meta Analytics should be installed on a dedicated Windows server sized appropriately for the expected work load. Operating System: Windows XP, 2003, 7, or better. 32 or 64 bit supported. VMWare host/guest supported. Java: Java 6 or ...