The Mock Migration is an important intermediate step in the CM M3 migration process. The mock migration has these major goals:
- Verifies that the entire model can be transformed, and that transformation errors are documented and queued for CM M3 automation rule correction or documented as a manual step. Errors are to be expected in large models due to broken links or code constructs or configurations not previously encountered.
- Allows the team to demonstrate the UX standard for automated transformation. The client will then give their final approval.
- Enable the code freeze window for the final migration to be as short as possible, as most errors will be caught by the mock migration process.
In preparation for the mock migration, the client team performs the following steps:
- Verifies and cleans any detectable errors in the CA model using CA utilities
- Selects a small handful of entry screens to be part of the mock migration testing
- Documents a regression test for the entry screens and supporting screens by providing either a screen movie, screen prints in a document, or by a mutually agreed regression test tool such as SmartBear TestComplete or Worksoft Certify.
First Mock Tranformation
During the mock migration the CM M3 Project Team performs the following steps:
- Verifies that no detectable errors exists in the CA 2E model by running CA utilities and custom utilities.
- Parses and transforms the entire model from CA 2E to CA Plex
- Generates and builds the call graph of the entry point functions.
- Test the entry point function per the regression test scripts provided by the client
- Turns over the model and entry point functions for inspection by the client
Client Testing
Client is responsible for:
- Installing the generated application and testing the UX and behaviour of the entry point functions.
- Communicating any defects or changes to the UX to CM First, using a mutually agreed management tool such as Trello.
Subsequent Mock Transformations
In the event there are a large number of defects or changes to the UX, CM First may recommend subsequent mock migrations. The same general process is followed except the same CA 2E model is used. When the defects are determined to be non-critical and will not affect final migration, the final migration step is performed.
Final Migration
The final migration step is structurally the same as mock transformation. However, there is a "code freeze" in place where any CA 2E changes performed by the client must be duplicated in the CA Plex model.