Running the Source Code Scanner

Running the Source Code Scanner

After an application subdirectory has been loaded into the scanning directory with a valid file, it will be entered into the source code scanner as a job with pending status. With a web browser on the scanning server, navigate to:

Note: The control pane UI is not accessible from outside of the scanning server.

If the new application does not appear in the Jobs sub window, press F5 to refresh the browser window.

To start scanning, right-click on the row corresponding to the application to load, and choose Start scan job. The job status will go to SCANNING, then SCANNED or SCANNED_WITH_ERRORS once it is finished scanning.

To start importing, first the job must have been scanned. Right-click on the row corresponding to the application to load, and choose Start import job. The job status will go to IMPORTING, then IMPORTED or IMPORTED_WITH_ERRORS once it is finished importing.

To check the job for errors after completion, right-click on the row corresponding to the job, and choose View scan results. Click the Export button to save the results as a text file.

Reviewing the scanned work units

After the job is finished, there will be a number of work units created in the Repository work tables. The name of the work units will be CS following by a number. The number is different for each program or job that has been scanned.

To view the list of CS work units, use the following DB2 statement:

Each CS work unit must then be submitted on the mainframe for loading into the Repository. The work units may be loaded in any order.