Object Management - Object Style

Object Management - Object Style

Object Style:

This document will cover the basics of the CM EvolveIT Object Management-Object Style.
There will be a discussion of how we use the Object Style functionality to.  

After completing this document, you should have a basic understanding of the CM EvolveIT Plex/2e Object Style
and the different options available with it.  

Target: After customizing the style of the objects, these changes will be applied to the diagram



The setting set  by default

Changed color, node shape

 1. Log in to the dashboard with a valid dashboard user id:

The User requires ObjectStyle Permission

2. Object Management - Object Style:

The Object Style helps users to customize UI of objects (nodes/edges).
Navigation: Dashboard->Object Management->Object Style.
It opens the object style panel as below.
The application comes with a set of predefined object styles as shown in below diagram.

3. Edit Object Style

Object Style is a tool to customize the display interface such as shape, colors name, etc... for the nodes and edges displayed on the diagram.
To manage the object style, there are 2 tabs showing the corresponding list of nodes and edges. These objects are the default initialized list on the system. We can customize each object to fit the display purpose.

There are two actions to interact with each object:
 + Edit : Change the current configuration.
 + Delete: Delete the current configuration and reset to default configuration.

3.1. Edit Object Style - Node

To manage the list object style of node, select the Node tab.

List of Node - Object Style includes properties:
Node Type, Display Name, Short Name, Icon, Color, Shape, Font Size, Properties Style, Action
Filter by Node Type:

Edit Object Style:  
To open Edit Object Style dialog, clicks on "Edit" button

To change Icon, clicks on Icon Picker button > Select an icon on Icon Picker dialog > Clicks on Use selected icon

Using Search icon filter to search and filter icon by name or category

Select Node Shape type

Pick a color

Change Node Shape  > Clicks on Node Shape dropdown list and change selection.

Change font size > Select font size from dropdown list

Each Object Style have a list of properties style.

To add a new properties style > clicks on Add properties style

There are many types of Property Name, each type will have a corresponding value type. we can choose a predefined type, or custom.
For each Property Name, there can be corresponding default values. You can choose a value from the list of suggestions, or customize it.

After adding Properties Style by clicking on Add button, a new item will be added to the list

We also able edit the current properties style by clicking on Edit button


      3.2. Edit Object Style - Edge

To manage the list object style of edge, select the Edge tab.

List of Edge - Object Style includes properties: Edge Type, Display Name, Color, Line Style, Target Arrow Shape, Properties Style, Action
Filter by Edge Type:

            Edit Object Style:  
            To open Edit Object Style dialog, clicks on "Edit" button

Line Type:  Select a type from dropdown list.

            Target Arrow Shape:  Select a type from dropdown list.

To add a new properties style > clicks on Add properties style

           After adding Properties Style by clicking on Add button, a new item will be added to the list

We also able edit the current properties style by clicking on Edit button

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