Object Browser

Object Browser

This document will cover the basics of the CMEvolveIT Dashboard Object Browser. There will be a discussion of the different options available in the dashboard Object Browser. After completing this document, you should have a basic understanding of the CM EvolveIT Dashboard Object Browser and the different options available for analyzing Function, Database Schema, Message, Source Code, Entity.

Object Browser-Function:

Select Dashboard->Object Browser->Function

Enter Function Group And/or Language And/or Name And/or Description.

Function Group



For searching Name or Description, there are two choices available. They are ‘Contains’ and ‘Regex’. If we select Name, we could enter whole or part of the name and results will be returned. Likewise, for regular expressions as well.

The second tab consists of Recent items which display all recently accessed items.

Make selection. Click on Search and the Objects will be listed below with Action options (Show Backward and Forward details). 
Click on forward Details to get the list of Function Group, Language, Name, Function Type, Library Name, Accessing DB Schema, Line Count, AD Line Count, Function call this, Line count WO comment, AD line Count Local, Calling Functions, Description, Is Plex Object?, Access DB?, Read Data?, Update Data?, Delete Data?, Insert Data?, Has Panel?, Has Report?.

There are options such as More…, Call Graph, Export.

Object Browser Functions-More Options:

There are 4 options under More.

  • Note Information
  • Display AD
  • Estimation AD
  • SubSystem Chart

Display AD: For functions with AD code, this option displays both full and Local Action Diagram code.

Once you select Object details, the detail page has grid with 2 tabs 'DB Schema' and 'Function'. All the columns has sort option. The rows in the grid are read only. Each column has a drop down. It has option to sort, Columns and Filter. The filter option has text box for entering text for search. This allows filtering among rows.

Search for Large Property(LP):

We have option to search Large Property by entering text in LP Text field and click on search. The option is available for Message and Source Code.

Object Browser - Conclusion:
Object browser Function options are similar to all the other function types.
Use case:
We have a function with implementation name 'CM137F'. I would like to analyze and see the usage, functions calling and being called from the function. 
Here is how we can analyze, Navigate to Object Browser->Function from Dashboard once logged in.

You check and analyze by selecting Full Call Graph.

As mentioned above in the document, the application provides various options for analyzing.

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