For searching Name or Description, there are two choices
available. They are ‘Contains’ and ‘Regex’. If we select Name, we could enter
whole or part of the name and results will be returned. Likewise, for regular
expressions as well.
The second tab consists of Recent items which
display all recently accessed items.
selection. Click on Search and the Objects will be listed below with Action
options (Show Backward and Forward details).
Click on forward Details to
get the list of Function Group, Language, Name, Function Type, Library Name,
Accessing DB Schema, Line Count, AD Line Count, Function call this, Line count
WO comment, AD line Count Local, Calling Functions, Description, Is Plex
Object?, Access DB?, Read Data?, Update Data?, Delete Data?, Insert Data?, Has
Panel?, Has Report?.
There are options such as More…, Call Graph, Export.
Object Browser Functions-More Options:
are 4 options under More.
- Note
- Display
- Estimation
- SubSystem