Mobile Controls

Mobile Controls

  • What Are the Different Types of Controls? 
    • Include files (*.inc) are evaluated within the referencing template and can be useful for repeated blocks of code. They can have parameters, such as :nc (do not evaluate comments) or :parameterName=pValue (named parameter), and are included with the /(!example) marker

      Control Templates (*.ctrl) contain scripts to mimic default Plex behavior. Default templates can be overridden the control name property template= followed by the control template name without the extension, e.g. template=DojoDateEdit

      Page Templates (*-page.wcli) must be below the root template function in the Plex inheritance path. It does not contain a complete HTML page, but it can contain any components that you want to manually add to any function in the inheritance path other than the root. It is always processed before the Control Template and applied by inheriting from the function with the same implementation name. Multiple Page templates can be applied and adds contents to defined attach points in the root template, e.g.:

      Anything here will be generated in the MainArea

      Root Templates (*-root) contain a complete HTML page, but nothing corresponds to a Plex panel control. It’s analogous to a root function (function shell) in Plex. It does not have to be the action diagram root, but it can be any function in the inheritance path. It’s the first template to be expanded during template generation. Each panel can only have one root, which contains ‘attach points’ to include later templates, e.g./(!AttachPoint:name=MainArea)

  • CalendarPicker.ctrl 
    • This is a specialized field which shows a calendar layout when tapped. If it has a predefined value or a value is selected in the calendar picker, it will be displayed like a normal text field.
    • WebClient Control Name Parameters 

      WebClient Control Name Parameters

      name: String
      The field’s HTML name attribute. This property comes from the first element in the control name.

      controlName: String
      This field contains a copy of control name property from the Plex panel.

      label: String
      The label of this field.

                Control Name Parameter: label

      Alternative way to set a label of the field.
      For example: Plex edit field control name is set to myField.
      You can set the control name of the Plex label field to myFieldLbl:myField.Label

      labelWidth: String
      The width of the field label. The value defaults to 40% unless specified in the controlName. The param name to specify the width is called width.
      For example: width=50%

                 Control Name Parameter: width

      yearFrom: Number
      The start year for the calendar picker. If yearFrom is greated than yearTo then the order of years will be reversed.

                Control Name Parameter: yearFrom

      yearTo: Number
      The last year for the calendar picker.

                 Control Name Parameter: yearTo

    • Javascript Config Attributes 

      disabled: Boolean
      Whether or not the component is disabled.

      hidden: Boolean
      Whether or not the component is hidden.

      value: Object/Date
      The calendar field value. Accepts an object of ‘year’, ’month’, and ’day’ values, all of which should be numbers, or a Date.

    • Events 

      focus (Plex event: Gained Focus)
      Attempts to set the field as the active input focus.

      blur (Plex event: Lost Focus)
      Fires when the field loses input focus.

      change (Plex event: Updated)
      Fires when a date is selected.

  • DatePicker.ctrl 
    • This is a specialized field which shows a slot date picker when tapped. If it has a predefined value or a value is selected from the date picker, it will be displayed like a normal text field.
    • WebClient Control Name Properties 

      name: String
      The field’s HTML name attribute. This property comes from the first element in the control name.

      controlName: String
      This field contains a copy of control name property from the Plex panel.

      cls: String
      The CSS class to add to this control element.

                 Control Name Parameter: class

      label: String
      The label of this field.

                 Control Name Parameter: label

      Alternative way to set a label of the field.
      For example: Plex edit field control name is set to myField.
      You can set the control name of the Plex label field to myFieldLbl:myField.Label


    • Javascript Config Attributes 

      value: Object/Date
      The calendar field value. Accepts an object of ‘year’, ’month’, and ’day’ values, all of which should be numbers, or a Date.

      disabled: Boolean
      Whether or not the component is disabled.

      hidden: Boolean
      Whether or not the component is hidden.

    • Events 

      focus (Plex event: Gained Focus)
      Attempts to set the field as the active input focus.

      blur (Plex event: Lost Focus)
      Fires when the field loses input focus.

      change (Plex event: Updated)
      Fires when a date is selected.

  • ExternalUrl-page.wcli 
    • This page template will launch the device browser to the URL that is set to the panel caption.
  • PanelCaption-page.wcli 
    • This page template will display the Panel's caption in a title bar that is docked to the top of the screen.
  • WebAudio.ctrl 
    • This is a simple container for HTML5 Audio element.
    • WebClient Control Name Properties 

      id: String
      The unique id of this control.

      name: String
      The field’s HTML name attribute. This property comes from the first element in the control name

      controlName: String
      This field contains a copy of control name property from the Plex panel.

    • Javascript Config Attributes 

      url: String
      The location of the audio to play.

      disabled: Boolean
      Whether or not the component is disabled.

      hidden: Boolean
      Whether or not the component is hidden.

  • WebCamera.ctrl 
    • This is a container for a button that will launch the device camera, and return a Base64 encoded string for the image taken. In Plex, the field must be a VaryCharacter Edit Field in order to store the full Base64 string.   The control will only work if the application has been properly packaged and installed on the device.
    • WebClient Control Name Properties 

      id: String
      The unique id of this control.

      name: String
      The field’s HTML name attribute. This property comes from the first element in the control name

      controlName: String
      This field contains a copy of control name property from the Plex panel.

      iconCls: String
      Optional CSS class to add to the icon element. This is useful if you want to use a CSS background image to create your Button icon.

                 Control Name Parameter: iconCls

      The list of iconCls that can be used are below.

      • star
      • trash
      • maps
      • locate
      • home
      • bookmarks
      • download
      • favorites
      • info
      • more
      • time
      • user
      • team
      • action
      • add
      • arrow_down
      • arrow_left
      • arrow_right
      • arrow_up
      • compose
      • delete
      • organize
      • refresh
      • reply
      • search
      • settings

      ui: String
      Optional style to apply to your button.

                 Control Name Parameter: ui

      The list of ui that can be used are below:

      • 'normal'- a basic gray button (default).
      • 'back'- a back button.
      • 'forward'- a forward button.
      • 'round'- a round button.
      • 'plain'
      • 'action'- shaded using the $active-color .
      • 'decline'- shaded using the $alert-color .
      • 'confirm'- shaded using the $confirm-color .


    • Javascript Config Attributes 

      disabled: Boolean
      Whether or not the component is disabled.

    • Events 

      Triggered after a photo is taken and accepted.

  • WebCheckbox.ctrl 
    • The checkbox field is an enhanced version of the native browser checkbox. It enables the user to choose one or more items from a set of options.   The Text value of the field in Plex will be the label for the field.
    • WebClient Control Name Properties 

      id: String
      The unique id of this control.

      name: String
      The field’s HTML name attribute. This property comes from the first element in the control name

      controlName: String
      This field contains a copy of control name property from the Plex panel.

      cls: String
      The CSS class to add to this control element.

                        Control Name Parameter: cls 

      labelWidth: String
      The width of the field label. The value defaults to 40% unless specified in the controlName. The param name to specify the width is called width.
      For example: width=50%

                        Control Name Parameter: width


    • Javascript Config Attributes 

      uncheckedValue: String
      The unchecked value of the field.

      checkedValue: String
      The checked value of the field.

      value: String
      The value to submit if the item is in a checked state.

      disabled: Boolean
      Whether or not the component is disabled.

      hidden: Boolean
      Whether or not the component is hidden.

    • Events 

      focus (Plex event: Gained Focus)
      Attempts to set the field as the active input focus.

      blur (Plex event: Lost Focus)
      Fires when the field loses input focus.

      change (Plex event: Updated)
      Fires just before the field blurs if the field value has changed.

  • WebCombo.ctrl 
    • A component to display combo field.
    • WebClient Control Name Properties 

      name: String
      The field’s HTML name attribute. This property comes from the first element in the control name

      controlName: String
      This field contains a copy of control name property from the Plex panel.

      cls: String
      The CSS class to add to this control element.

                        Control Name Parameter: cls

      label: String
      The label of this field.

                        Control Name Parameter: label

      Alternative way to set a label of the field.
      For example: Plex edit field control name is set to myField.
      You can set the control name of the Plex label field to myFieldLbl:myField.Label


    • Javascript Config Attributes 

      options: Array
      An array of select options.

      value: String
      A value to initialize this field with.

      disabled: Boolean
      Whether or not the component is disabled.

      hidden: Boolean
      Whether or not the component is hidden.

    • Events 

      focus (Plex event: Gained Focus)
      Attempts to set the field as the active input focus.

      change (Plex event: Updated)
      Fires just before the field blurs if the field value has changed.

      blur (Plex event: Lost Focus)
      Fires when the field loses input focus.

  • WebCookie.ctrl 
    • A component that allows data to be saved to local storage. This component is not shown. The saved cookie is loaded into the field when the component is painted onto the screen. When the field's value is Put in Plex, the cookie is saved.
    • WebClient Control Name Properties 

      name: String
      The field’s HTML name attribute. This property comes from the first element in the control name

      controlName: String
      This field contains a copy of control name property from the Plex panel.

  • WebEdit.ctrl 
    • A component to display input field.
    • WebClient Control Name Properties 

      id: String
      The unique id of this control.

      name: String
      The field’s HTML name attribute. This property comes from the first element in the control name

      controlName: String
      This field contains a copy of control name property from the Plex panel.

      cls: String
      The CSS class to add to this control element.

                 Control Name Parameter: cls

      label: String
      The label of this field.

                 Control Name Parameter: label

      Alternative way to set a label of the field.
      For example: Plex edit field control name is set to myField.
      You can set the control name of the Plex label field to myFieldLbl:myField.Label

      labelWidth: String
      The width of the field label. The value defaults to 40% unless specified in the controlName. The param name to specify the width is called width.
      For example: width=50%

                Control Name Parameter: width

      extraControl: Component
      For attaching another edit field on the same row.
      For example: The control name of the first edit field is myFirstField:MainArea
      The control name of the second edit field is mySecondField:myFirstField.ExtraControl

      placeHolder: String
      A string value displayed in the input when the control is empty if specified in the control name.

                 Control Name Parameter: hint


    • Javascript Config Attributes 

      value: Mixed
      A value to initialize this field with.

      maxLength: Number
      The maximum number of permitted input characters.

      disabled: Boolean
      Whether or not the component is disabled.

      hidden: Boolean
      Whether or not the component is hidden.

    • Events 

      focus (Plex event: Gained Focus)
      Attempts to set the field as the active input focus.

      blur (Plex event: Lost Focus)
      Fires when the field loses input focus.

      keyup (Plex event: Modified)
      Fires when a key is released on the input element.

      change (Plex event: Updated)
      Fires just before the field blurs if the field value has changed.

  • WebEditableGrid.ctrl 
    • An editable DataView which allows editing an array of data.
    • WebClient Control Name Properties 

      baseCls: String
      The base CSS class to apply to this component’s element.

                        Control Name Parameter: gridClass

      The Grid Header Columns will be create with CSS class of "*gridClass*h". For example, if gridClass = myGrid, then the CSS class will be "myGridh".
      CSS entries are need to in order to lay out the Editable Grid properly. Entries should look something like this (note: # needs to be the actual column number. The first column number is 0.):

      .myGridh .head0 .col#,
      .myGrid .col#{

                       width: 25%;

      controlName: String
      This field contains a copy of control name property from the Plex panel.

      cls: String
      The CSS class to add to this control element.

                        Control Name Parameter: class

      onItemDisclosure: Boolean
      True to display a disclosure item on each list item.

                        Control Name Parameter: disclose

      grouped: Boolean
      Whether or not to group items in the provided Store with a header for each item.

                        Control Name Parameter: grouped

      indexBar: Boolean
      True to render an alphabet index bar docked on the right.

                        Control Name Parameter: indexBar

      itemTpl: String
      The template to use for each of the items displayed in the DataView.

                        Control Name Parameter: tplGenerator

      Please note that for this control template, the tplGenerator should be set to " wcli.util.gridColTpl".

      itemCls: String
      An additional CSS class to apply to items within the DataView.

                        Control Name Parameter: itemClass

      The template to use for each of the columns displayed in the DataView.

                        Control Name Parameter: renderTplGenerator

      Please note that for this control template, the renderTplGenerator should be set to "wcli.util.gridColHdr".

    • Javascript Config Attributes 

      store: Object
      Can either be a Store instance or a configuration object that will be turned into a Store.

      disabled: Boolean
      Whether or not the component is disabled.

    • Events 

      itemtap (Plex event: Select)
      Fires whenever an item is tapped

      change (Plex event: Updated)
      Fires just before the field blurs if the field value has changed.

  • WebEmail.ctrl 
    • The email field creates an HTML5 email input and is usually created inside a form. Most browsers will show a specialized virtual keyboard for email address input.
    • WebClient Control Name Properties 

      id: String
      The unique id of this control.

      name: String
      The field’s HTML name attribute. This property comes from the first element in the control name.

      controlName: String
      This field contains a copy of control name property from the Plex panel.

      cls: String
      The CSS class to add to this control element.

                 Control Name Parameter: class

      iconCls: String
      Optional CSS class to add to the icon element. This is useful if you want to use a CSS background image to create your Button icon.

                 Control Name Parameter: iconCls

      The list of iconCls that can be used are below.

      • star
      • trash
      • maps
      • locate
      • home
      • bookmarks
      • download
      • favorites
      • info
      • more
      • time
      • user
      • team
      • action
      • add
      • arrow_down
      • arrow_left
      • arrow_right
      • arrow_up
      • compose
      • delete
      • organize
      • refresh
      • reply
      • search
      • settings

      ui: String
      Optional style to apply to your button.

                 Control Name Parameter: ui

      The list of ui that can be used are below:

      • 'normal'- a basic gray button (default).
      • 'back'- a back button.
      • 'forward'- a forward button.
      • 'round'- a round button.
      • 'plain'
      • 'action'- shaded using the $active-color .
      • 'decline'- shaded using the $alert-color .
      • 'confirm'- shaded using the $confirm-color .

      : String

      The label of this field.

                 Control Name Parameter: label

      Alternative way to set a label of the field.
      For example: Plex edit field control name is set to myField.
      You can set the control name of the Plex label field to myFieldLbl:myField.Label

      contactName: String
      The name of the contact person.

                 Control Name Parameter: contact

      Alternative way to set the contactName attribute.
      For example: Plex edit field control name is set to myEmail.
      You can set the control name of the Plex label field to myEmailLbl:myEmail.Label

      confirmContact: Boolean
      Display confirmation button if set to true. The default value is false.

                 Control Name Parameter: confirm


    • Javascript Config Attributes 

      disabled: Boolean
      Whether or not the component is disabled.

      hidden: Boolean
      Whether or not the component is hidden.

      text: String
      Display the text set in Plex panel properties.

      contactUrl: String
      The email address of the contact.

  • WebGrid.ctrl 
    • Is a custom styled DataView which allows Grouping, Indexing, Icons, and a Disclosure.
    • WebClient Control Name Properties 

      baseCls: String
      The base CSS class to apply to this component’s element.

                 Control Name Parameter: gridClass

      controlName: String
      This field contains a copy of control name property from the Plex panel.

      cls: String
      The CSS class to add to this control element.

                 Control Name Parameter: class

      onItemDisclosure: Boolean
      True to display a disclosure item on each list item.

                   Control Name Parameter: disclose

      grouped: Boolean
      Whether or not to group items in the provided Store with a header for each item.

                 Control Name Parameter: grouped

      indexBar: Boolean
      True to render an alphabet index bar docked on the right.

                 Control Name Parameter: indexBar

      itemTpl: String
      The template to use for each of the items displayed in the DataView.

                 Control Name Parameter: tplGenerator

      itemCls: String
      An additional CSS class to apply to items within the DataView.

                 Control Name Parameter: itemClass


    • Javascript Config Attributes 

      store: Object
      Can either be a Store instance or a configuration object that will be turned into a Store.

      disabled: Boolean
      Whether or not the component is disabled.

    • Events 

      itemtap (Plex event: Select)
      Fires whenever an item is tapped.

  • WebHTML.ctrl 
    • Displays custom html in an edit field.
    • WebClient Control Name Properties 

      id: String
      The unique id of this control.

      name: String
      The field’s HTML name attribute. This property comes from the first element in the control name.

      controlName: String
      This field contains a copy of control name property from the Plex panel.

      cls: String
      The CSS class to add to this control element.

                        Control Name Parameter: class

    • Javascript Config Attributes 

      html: String
      HTML content to render inside this Component or a reference to an existing element on the page.

      disabled: Boolean
      Whether or not the component is disabled.

      hidden: Boolean
      Whether or not the component is hidden.

    • Events 

      focus (Plex event: Gained Focus)
      Attempts to set the field as the active input focus.

      blur (Plex event: Lost Focus)
      Fires when the field loses input focus.

      keyup (Plex event: Modified)
      Fires when a key is released on the input element.

      change (Plex event: Updated)
      Fires just before the field blurs if the field value has changed.

  • WebLink.ctrl 
    • A component to display a link.
    • WebClient Control Name Properties 

      controlName: String
      This field contains a copy of control name property from the Plex panel.

    • Javascript Config Attributes 

      html: String
      HTML content to render inside this Component or a reference to an existing element on the page.

  • WebLocation.ctrl 
    • Loads the "Latitude, Longitude" of the device location into the edit field.
    • WebClient Control Name Properties 

      id: String
      The unique id of this control.

      name: String
      The field’s HTML name attribute. This property comes from the first element in the control name.

      controlName: String
      This field contains a copy of control name property from the Plex panel.

  • WebLocator.ctrl 
    • This control will take a Google Map search string entered into the edit field and turn it into the "Latitude, Longitude" of that location. This field is always hidden and will need to be set by Plex code.
    • WebClient Control Name Properties 

      id: String
      The unique id of this control.

      name: String
      The field’s HTML name attribute. This property comes from the first element in the control name.

      controlName: String
      This field contains a copy of control name property from the Plex panel.

    • Events 

      change (Plex event: Updated)
      Fires just before the field blurs if the field value has changed.

  • WebMap.ctrl 
    • A component to display Google Map.
    • WebClient Control Name Properties 

      id: String
      The unique id of this control.

      name: String
      The field’s HTML name attribute. This property comes from the first element in the control name.

      controlName: String
      This field contains a copy of control name property from the Plex panel.

      Set using a separate control with the name "MapType". Defaults to "roadmap" if none if found.

      Set using a separate control with the name "Zoom". Defaults to "12" if none if found.

      Set using a separate control with the name "MarkerText". Defaults to blank if none if found.

  • WebMessages-page.wcli 
    • This page template is used to display Plex Dialog, Log, and Enquiry messages. You will just need to inherit from this template to use this functionality.
  • WebMultilineEdit.ctrl 
    • Creates an HTML textarea on the page. This is useful whenever you need the user to enter large amounts of text.
    • WebClient Control Name Properties 

      id: String
      The unique id of this control.

      name: String
      The field’s HTML name attribute. This property comes from the first element in the control name.

      controlName: String
      This field contains a copy of control name property from the Plex panel.

      cls: String
      The CSS class to add to this control element.

                        Control Name Parameter: class

      label: String
      The label of this field.

                        Control Name Parameter: label

      Alternative way to set a label of the field.
      For example: Plex edit field control name is set to myField.
      You can set the control name of the Plex label field to myFieldLbl:myField.Label

      maxRows: Number
      The maximum number of lines made visible by the input. The default value is 5.

                        Control Name Parameter: maxRows

      placeHolder: String
      A string value displayed in the input when the control is empty if specified in the control name.

                        Control Name Parameter: hint


    • Javascript Config Attributes 

      value: String
      A value to initialize this field with.

      disabled: Boolean
      Whether or not the component is disabled.

      hidden: Boolean
      Whether or not the component is hidden.

    • Events 

      focus (Plex event: Gained Focus)
      Attempts to set the field as the active input focus.

      Fires when the panel is first show on the device screen.

      blur (Plex event: Lost Focus)
      Fires when the field loses input focus.

      keyup (Plex event: Modified)
      Fires when a key is released on the input element.

      change (Plex event: Updated)
      Fires just before the field blurs if the field value has changed.

  • WebPassword.ctrl 
    • A component to display the password field. When the user enters text, it will show up as stars.
    • WebClient Control Name Properties 

      id: String
      The unique id of this control.

      name: String
      The field’s HTML name attribute. This property comes from the first element in the control name.

      controlName: String
      This field contains a copy of control name property from the Plex panel.

      cls: String
      The CSS class to add to this control element.

                        Control Name Parameter: class

      label: String
      The label of this field.

                        Control Name Parameter: label

      Alternative way to set a label of the field.
      For example: Plex edit field control name is set to myField.
      You can set the control name of the Plex label field to myFieldLbl:myField.Label

      placeHolder: String
      A string value displayed in the input when the control is empty if specified in the control name.

                        Control Name Parameter: hint


    • Javascript Config Attributes 

      value: String
      A value to initialize this field with.

      disabled: Boolean
      Whether or not the component is disabled.

      hidden: Boolean
      Whether or not the component is hidden.

    • Events 

      focus (Plex event: Gained Focus)
      Attempts to set the field as the active input focus.

      blur (Plex event: Lost Focus)
      Fires when the field loses input focus.

      keyup (Plex event: Modified)
      Fires when a key is released on the input element.

      change (Plex event: Updated)
      Fires just before the field blurs if the field value has changed.

  • WebPhoneButton.ctrl 
    • This control is designed to call the phone number entered into the edit field.
    • WebClient Control Name Properties 

      id: String
      The unique id of this control.

      name: String
      The field’s HTML name attribute. This property comes from the first element in the control name.

      controlName: String
      This field contains a copy of control name property from the Plex panel.

      cls: String
      The CSS class to add to this control element.

                        Control Name Parameter: class

      iconCls: String
      Optional CSS class to add to the icon element. This is useful if you want to use a CSS background image to create your Button icon.

                        Control Name Parameter: iconCls

      The list of iconCls that can be used are below.

      • star
      • trash
      • maps
      • locate
      • home
      • bookmarks
      • download
      • favorites
      • info
      • more
      • time
      • user
      • team
      • action
      • add
      • arrow_down
      • arrow_left
      • arrow_right
      • arrow_up
      • compose
      • delete
      • organize
      • refresh
      • reply
      • search
      • settings

      ui: String
      Optional style to apply to your button.

                 Control Name Parameter: ui

      The list of ui that can be used are below:

      • 'normal'- a basic gray button (default).
      • 'back'- a back button.
      • 'forward'- a forward button.
      • 'round'- a round button.
      • 'plain'
      • 'action'- shaded using the $active-color .
      • 'decline'- shaded using the $alert-color .
      • 'confirm'- shaded using the $confirm-color .

      : String

      The label of this field.

                        Control Name Parameter: label

      Alternative way to set a label of the field.
      For example: Plex edit field control name is set to myField.
      You can set the control name of the Plex label field to myFieldLbl:myField.Label


    • Javascript Config Attributes 

      disabled: Boolean
      Whether or not the component is disabled.

      hidden: Boolean
      Whether or not the component is hidden.

      text: String
      Display the text set in Plex panel properties.

  • WebPhoneEdit.ctrl 
    • This is a normal edit field that is used for entering phone numbers. Most browsers will show a specialized virtual keyboard for phone number input.
    • WebClient Control Name Properties 

      id: String
      The unique id of this control.

      name: String
      The field’s HTML name attribute. This property comes from the first element in the control name

      controlName: String
      This field contains a copy of control name property from the Plex panel.

      cls: String
      The CSS class to add to this control element.

                        Control Name Parameter: cls

      label: String
      The label of this field.

                        Control Name Parameter: label

      Alternative way to set a label of the field.
      For example: Plex edit field control name is set to myField.
      You can set the control name of the Plex label field to myFieldLbl:myField.Label

      labelWidth: String
      The width of the field label. The value defaults to 40% unless specified in the controlName. The param name to specify the width is called width.
      For example: width=50%

                       Control Name Parameter: width

      extraControl: Component
      For attaching another edit field on the same row.
      For example: The control name of the first edit field is myFirstField:MainArea
      The control name of the second edit field is mySecondField:myFirstField.ExtraControl

      placeHolder: String
      A string value displayed in the input when the control is empty if specified in the control name.

                        Control Name Parameter: hint

    • Javascript Config Attributes 

      value: Mixed
      A value to initialize this field with.

      maxLength: Number
      The maximum number of permitted input characters.

      disabled: Boolean
      Whether or not the component is disabled.

      hidden: Boolean
      Whether or not the component is hidden.

    • Events 

      focus (Plex event: Gained Focus)
      Attempts to set the field as the active input focus.

      blur (Plex event: Lost Focus)
      Fires when the field loses input focus.

      keyup (Plex event: Modified)
      Fires when a key is released on the input element.

      change (Plex event: Updated)
      Fires just before the field blurs if the field value has changed.

  • WebPushButton.ctrl 
    • A component to display a button
    • WebClient Control Name Properties 

      controlName: String
      This field contains a copy of control name property from the Plex panel.

      cls: String
      The CSS class to add to this control element.

                        Control Name Parameter: cls

      iconCls: String
      Optional CSS class to add to the icon element. This is useful if you want to use a CSS background image to create your Button icon.

                        Control Name Parameter: iconCls

      The list of iconCls that can be used are below.

      • star
      • trash
      • maps
      • locate
      • home
      • bookmarks
      • download
      • favorites
      • info
      • more
      • time
      • user
      • team
      • action
      • add
      • arrow_down
      • arrow_left
      • arrow_right
      • arrow_up
      • compose
      • delete
      • organize
      • refresh
      • reply
      • search
      • settings

      ui: String
      Optional style to apply to your button.

                 Control Name Parameter: ui

      The list of ui that can be used are below:

      • 'normal'- a basic gray button (default).
      • 'back'- a back button.
      • 'forward'- a forward button.
      • 'round'- a round button.
      • 'plain'
      • 'action'- shaded using the $active-color .
      • 'decline'- shaded using the $alert-color .
      • 'confirm'- shaded using the $confirm-color .


    • Javascript Config Attributes 

      disabled: Boolean
      Whether or not the component is disabled.

      hidden: Boolean
      Whether or not the component is hidden.

      text: String
      Display the text set in Plex panel properties.

    • Events 

      pressed (Plex event: Pressed)
      Fires when a button is pressed.

  • WebSearch.ctrl 
    • This is a simple edit field that has a custom UI for searches.
    • WebClient Control Name Properties 

      name: String
      The field’s HTML name attribute. This property comes from the first element in the control name

      controlName: String
      This field contains a copy of control name property from the Plex panel.

      cls: String
      The CSS class to add to this control element.

                        Control Name Parameter: class

      label: String
      The label of this field.

                        Control Name Parameter: label


    • Javascript Config Attributes 

      disabled: Boolean
      Whether or not the component is disabled.

    • Events 

      focus (Plex event: Gained Focus)
      Attempts to set the field as the active input focus.

      blur (Plex event: Lost Focus)
      Fires when the field loses input focus.

      keyup (Plex event: Modified)
      Fires when a key is released on the input element.

      change (Plex event: Updated)
      Fires just before the field blurs if the field value has changed.

  • WebShell-root.html 
    • This is the root template for the mobile web application. The following attachpoints are defined.

      Contains HTML elements that appear in the HTML <head> tag.

      Contains Javascript statements that will be executed upon initialization before the first panel is loaded.

      Contains WebMobile controls that appear at the top of the web panel.

      Contains WebMobile controls that appear at the content pane of the web panel.

      Contains WebMobile control that do not appear on the web panel.

      Contains a Web Mobile control that expands to the size of the panel. Typically used for a list.

      Contains Web Mobile controls that appear as elements in the toolbar.

      Contains Web Mobile controls that appear as elements in the tabbar.

      Contains WebMobile controls that appear at the bottom of the web panel.

      Contains Javascript statements that will be executed after the panel is loaded.

      Contains CSS codes for the current panel.

      Contains Javascript statemens that will be executed after the application has been loaded.

      Contains HTML link elements.

  • WebSignature.ctrl 
    • This creates a JavaScript signature pad on the panel. The signature will be converted into a Base64 encoded image and saved to the field. Because of the Base64 encoded image's length, the field that uses this control needs to be a VaryCharacter.
    • WebClient Control Name Properties 

      id: String
      The unique id of this control.

      name: String
      The field’s HTML name attribute. This property comes from the first element in the control name

      controlName: String
      This field contains a copy of control name property from the Plex panel.

    • Javascript Config Attributes 

      value: Mixed
      A value to initialize this field with.

      disabled: Boolean
      Whether or not the component is disabled.

      hidden: Boolean
      Whether or not the component is hidden.

    • Events 

      focus (Plex event: Gained Focus)
      Attempts to set the field as the active input focus.

      blur (Plex event: Lost Focus)
      Fires when the field loses input focus.

  • WebSite.ctrl 
    • This control automatically handles ChildSites in the Panel. This should never have to be specifically referenced.
  • WebSpinnerEdit.ctrl 
    • A component to display HTML5 number field.
    • WebClient Control Name Properties 

      name: String
      The field’s HTML name attribute. This property comes from the first element in the control name.

      controlName: String
      This field contains a copy of control name property from the Plex panel.

      wclicls: String
      A CSS class to override the base class CSS.

                        Control Name Parameter: class

      label: String
      The label of this field.

                        Control Name Parameter: label


    • Javascript Config Attributes 

      value: String
      A value to initialize this field with.

      disabled: Boolean
      Whether or not the component is disabled.

    • Events 

      focus (Plex event: Gained Focus)
      Attempts to set the field as the active input focus.

      blur (Plex event: Lost Focus)
      Fires when the field loses input focus.

      keyup (Plex event: Modified)
      Fires when a key is released on the input element.

      change (Plex event: Updated)
      Fires just before the field blurs if the field value has changed.

  • WebText.ctrl 
    • A component to display text.
    • WebClient Control Name Properties 

      html: String
      HTML content to render inside this Component or a reference to an existing element on the page.

  • WebToggle.ctrl 
    • A different presentation of the normal WebCheckbox control. It displays a slider instead of the usual checkbox. The Text value of the field in Plex will be the label for the field. 
    • WebClient Control Name Properties 

      id: String
      The unique id of this control.

      name: String
      The field’s HTML name attribute. This property comes from the first element in the control name

      controlName: String
      This field contains a copy of control name property from the Plex panel.

      cls: String
      The CSS class to add to this control element.

                        Control Name Parameter: class

      labelWidth: String
      The width of the field label. The value defaults to 40% unless specified in the controlName. The param name to specify the width is called width.
      For example: width=50%

                        Control Name Parameter: width


    • Javascript Config Attributes 

      uncheckedValue: String
      The unchecked value of the field.

      checkedValue: String
      The checked value of the field.

      value: String
      The value to submit if the item is in a checked state.

      disabled: Boolean
      Whether or not the component is disabled.

      hidden: Boolean
      Whether or not the component is hidden.

    • Events 

      focus (Plex event: Gained Focus)
      Attempts to set the field as the active input focus.

      blur (Plex event: Lost Focus)
      Fires when the field loses input focus.

      change (Plex event: Updated)
      Fires just before the field blurs if the field value has changed.

  • WebURL.ctrl 
    • A component to display a link. When a user clicks the link, the link will be opened in a new blank page.
    • WebClient Control Name Properties 

      controlName: String
      This field contains a copy of control name property from the Plex panel.

      cls: String
      The CSS class to add to this control element.

                        Control Name Parameter: class

      iconCls: String
      Optional CSS class to add to the icon element. This is useful if you want to use a CSS background image to create your Button icon.

                        Control Name Parameter: iconCls

      The list of iconCls that can be used are below.

      • star
      • trash
      • maps
      • locate
      • home
      • bookmarks
      • download
      • favorites
      • info
      • more
      • time
      • user
      • team
      • action
      • add
      • arrow_down
      • arrow_left
      • arrow_right
      • arrow_up
      • compose
      • delete
      • organize
      • refresh
      • reply
      • search
      • settings

      ui: String
      Optional style to apply to your button.

                 Control Name Parameter: ui

      The list of ui that can be used are below:

      • 'normal'- a basic gray button (default).
      • 'back'- a back button.
      • 'forward'- a forward button.
      • 'round'- a round button.
      • 'plain'
      • 'action'- shaded using the $active-color .
      • 'decline'- shaded using the $alert-color .
      • 'confirm'- shaded using the $confirm-color .


    • Javascript Config Attributes 

      text: String
      Display the text set in Plex panel properties.

      disabled: Boolean
      Whether or not the component is disabled.

      hidden: Boolean
      Whether or not the component is hidden.

  • WebURLPicture.ctrl 
    • A component to display an image. When the image is clicked, it will trigger a Plex event.
    • WebClient Control Name Properties 

      controlName: String
      This field contains a copy of control name property from the Plex panel.

      imageCls: String
      The CSS class to use when mode is not set to ‘background.’ The default value is ‘x-image-component.’

                        Control Name Parameter: imageCls

      imageAlign: String
      Set the horizontal alignment of the control. The default value is ‘left.’

                        Control Name Parameter: imageAlign

    • Javascript Config Attributes 

      mode: String
      If set to ‘background’, uses a background-image CSS property instead of an <img> tag to display image. The default value is ‘background’.

      src: String
      The source of the image.

    • Events 

      tap (Plex event: Pressed)
      Fires when the image in tapped.

  • WebVideo.ctrl 
    • A component to display HTML5 Video.
    • WebClient Control Name Properties 

      id: String
      The unique id of this control.

      name: String
      The field’s HTML name attribute. This property comes from the first element in the control name.

      controlName: String
      This field contains a copy of control name property from the Plex panel. 

    • Javascript Config Attributes 

      url: String
      Location of the video to play.

      disabled: Boolean
      Whether or not the component is disabled.

      hidden: Boolean
      Whether or not the component is hidden.

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