MatchPoint System Requirements

MatchPoint System Requirements

CM MatchPoint Client


  1. Windows XP or Higher
  2. 2 GB RAM
  3. CPU Inter core i5 or higher
  1. Windows 10 or higher
  2. 8 GB Ram
  3. CPU Inter core i5 or higher
  4. Hard Drive 1 TB

CM MatchPoint Server (Java)

  1. Java Run-time Environment (JRE) 1.8.021 or higher
  2. 16 GB RAM
  3. CPU Intel core i5 or Higher
The Server side can be installed on any system that support JVM, this can be a Windows or Linux

CM MatchPoint IBM Components

The iSeries components are used process iSeries objects from the MatchPoint client
The supported iSeries version is V7R1M0 or higher

CM MatchPoint IBM Dispatcher Job

The CM MatchPoint dispatcher job is a listener job running on the IBM i. This job is handling the communication between the CM MatchPoint server  on your IBM i and the CM MatchPoint Client on your workstation.
The job must be running at all times. To start the default dispatcher job, call the following program: call mpcom/strtcpxxx (xx is the CM MatchPoint version i.e 650)
Port Number
The dispatcher handles the communication on a specified port number. Make sure the port number is available. By default, the port number is 50000. You can change the port number to any other available number.
By default the dispatcher is started in your QINTER subsystem. You can start the job in any other subsystem which is configured to handle multiple jobs. Every connection from a CM MatchPoint Client to the Server is creating a new job.
Changing the dispatcher parameters
To change the parameters of the dispatcher job, you can edit the CL-source QCLSRC/STRTCPxxx in the library MPCOM, xxx is the CM MatchPoint version i.e. 650.
Automatically start the dispatcher
We recommend to automatically start the dispatcher when you start up your IBM i server or when starting the subsystem specified in the startup parameters of the CM MatchPoint dispatcher.
1.     System Start up: add the call to the dispatcher start up program to your QSTRUP
2.     Subsystem Start: add an autostart job entry to the specified subsystem (ADDAJE)


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