In order to scan source code into repository, the source code must be collected into a subdirectory under the scanning directory on the scanning server. In addition, a manifest file must be created in order to describe the source code. The ...
The CM Meta Analytics engine supports plugins in its architecture. Plugins are able to contribute functionality such as additional methods to detect input files, and data structures to store additional information. Plugins are automatically loaded at ...
This document will cover the basics of the CM evolveIT Dashboard Metrix. There will be a discussion of the different JCL views available in the dashboard metrics. After completing this document, you should have a basic understanding of the CM ...
Running the MetaAnalytics CAScanner for JCL by hand. Document Version 0.2 Semantic Designs, Inc. August 2014 [0] Introduction This document describes a manual procedure for running the MetaAnalytics JCL CAScanner tool. This procedure scanner supports ...
This document describes the entities and relations the JCL Scanner creates on encountering various JCL code constructs. Current output Structures Jobs Procedures (cataloged and in-stream) JobSteps(EXEC) Properties File-levelmetrics Procedure default ...