iSeries Spool File and Operations Menu with WebClient

iSeries Spool File and Operations Menu with WebClient

Object Location

All Plex objects are scoped under the “iSeries Items” entity.

If any changes need to be made, then these objects will need to be inherited from.

Non-Plex Files

To run these processes fully, you will need 3 files (Download the ZIP with the files attached to this article).


This is the IBM AS400 Java Toolkit.  This needs to be referenced by your application.

This needs to be in the “spoolfile” package.  This is the download servlet for opening a spool file as text.

This needs to be in the “spoolfile” package.  This is the java class that allows us to sort spool files from newest to oldest.

General Setup

ObClient Properties

By default, the functions are designed to read the “DefaultAS400” section of the file.

If you want to change this, it is read from the “Default Properties Area” message scoped under the entity.

The DefaultAS400.User and DefaultAS400.Password properties will need to either be hard set, or set at runtime by the application.

Hard Set Values

For the Spool File Download Servlet to connect to the iSeries, the DefaultAS400.User and DefaultAS400.Password properties will need to be hard set to a general login that can access all the user’s spool libraries.

If you do not want to do this, then this can be changed to read items in Java Memory to get this information.  The information will need to be set when the user logs into the application.

To make changes to the servlet, find the “doGet” method in “”.  The AS400 object called “as400” is what needs to be properly created to output the spool file.

Workspace Setup

The only workspace changes need to run these items is to add a reference to the OpenSpool servlet in your web.xml.   The added entry will look like this:

  1. <servlet>
  2. <description>
  3. </description>
  4. <display-name>openspool</display-name>
  5. <servlet-name>openspool</servlet-name>
  6. <servlet-class>spoolfile.OpenSpool</servlet-class>
  7. </servlet>
  8. <servlet-mapping>
  9. <servlet-name>openspool</servlet-name>
  10. <url-pattern>/openspool/*</url-pattern>
  11. </servlet-mapping>

Spool Files

There are 4 functions included in this entity that need to be compiled.

View Spool Files

This is the main function used to view and interact with the spool files.

By default, it shows spool files from the last 90 days.  You may also filter the search in many different ways.  By selecting a row and clicking the proper button, you may open or delete a spool file from this screen.

Delete Old Spool Files

This function allows you to delete all spool files from before a specified date.

Download Spool Export

This function kicks off the Spool Download Servlet in a new tab in the browser.

Fetch by User.BlockFetch

This is the blockfetch function that is used to load the grid.  It first creates a sorted enumeration of a spool file list.  Then, parses that list into individual records.  If there is any custom filtering needed (like filtering out certain queues, spool names, libraries, etc.), this is where that change would be made.


This entity contains several AS400 specific processes that can be useful to the user.

Display User Messages

This function is used to display any AS400 messages sent to the current user profile.

View All Batch Jobs

This function allows the user to view all batch jobs currently running on the AS400.

View Printers

There are several functions used here to allow the user to interact with the printer and any messages associated with that printer.

From this function, you may issue Start, End, Hold, and Release commands on the devices the user is allowed to interact with.   If you press the Messages, button it will load a new screen showing any messages tied to the selected printer.

From here you can remove a specific message, remove all messages, or remove answered messages.

Or, you can Reply to a specific message.

Additional JAR Files

These files are used to export the Spool File as PDF. These need to be referenced by your application.
  1. bcpkix-jdk15on-1.68.jar
  2. bcprov-jdk15on-1.68.jar
  3. io-7.1.15.jar
  4. kernel-7.1.15.jar
  5. layout-7.1.15.jar
  6. log4j-1.2.17.jar
  7. slf4j-api-1.7.30.jar
  8. slf4j-log4j12-1.7.18.jar

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