This document will cover the basics of the CM evolveIT Dashboard Inventory Transformation.
After completing this document, you should have a basic understanding of where the inventory transform process gets its data, how to determine a process has been completed, how to run the transform process manually and how to do some simple debugging if the process did not run.
Dashboard Inventory Data
The inventory viewer is stored at in the folder, %EVOLVEIT_DATA%\databases,
This location is based on the environment variable, EVOLVEIT_DATA
The default location is: C:\Users\Public\CMFirst\EvolveIT\databases
The process creates and updates the dashboard inventory database.
The CM evolveIT cross-reference process automatically triggers the inventory transform process at the end of cross-reference processing.
The OrientDB Service and the CM evolveIT Dashboard WebAPI must be running for the transform process to execute.
Determining the Snapshot Date
The cross-reference process generates an InventoryStatistics.csv file under <Inventory>\Dashboard\Statistics folder. This file contains the Snapshot date.
If the Inventory doesn’t have the InventoryStatistics.csv file, the current date/time becomes the snapshot date.
Initial Load and Incremental Load
The dashboard inventory database provides a historical view of your assets.
The inventory database identifies and tracks the initial load and all subsequent incremental loads.
The Inventory Transform will do nothing in the following conditions
The Snapshot already exists in Inventory Database.
The Inventory has prior Snapshot date than the last Snapshot Date in Inventory Database.
The inventory load will not occur when there are no source changes.
The transform process will not process the removal of an asset.
The Inventory Transform Process output two kinds of logs, please provide these logs to CM First Support when you have an issue with Inventory Transform.
The Result Log
%EVOLVEIT_DATA%\Logs\TransformReport\<Invenotry Name> folder contains InventoryTransformReport_<snapshotdate>.json file
The Process Activity Log
%EVOLVEIT_DATA%\Logs\Transform folder contains detailed process log for Inventory Transform
The Transform Process Create Notification can be viewable in the Dashboard Notifications section.
Open a command prompt and change the current directory to
<CMEvolve Installdir>\WebData\Configtool
The default location is:
Execute the following command
EvITInventoryTransformUtil.exe -m <path to Inventory root folder> -i <Name of Inventory>
Access folders, use Dashboard Configuration tool to access Data folder and Log folder
When debugging the Inventory Transform The first place to look at
%EVOLVEIT_DATA%\Logs\TransformReport\<Invenotry Name> InventoryTransformReport_<snapshotdate>.json file
Inventory Transform retry, there is no auto retry feature available. Please contact CM First Support for assistance.