Implementing the WebImageGallery custom template
custom template is based on galleriajs and it is applying to a Grid control. Its
functionality consists of displaying a gallery of images extracted from webproject/WebContent/images
folder. To implement this control please follow the steps below: - Put
the image files that you want to display in the gallery in the webproject/WebContent/images
- Add
the WCGallery-page.wcli and WebImageGallery.ctrl files in your custom templates
- In
your function add a grid control. Set the control name of the grid like this: “GridP:MainArea:template=WebImageGallery”
The grid data for the image file should be just the image file name, for
example APPLE.gif or background1.jpg.
- Add
a triplet to the function referencing the page template.
IMPORTANT: to be able to call a DetailPoup function that inherits from WCGallery you need to add the inheratance to the WCGallery page template to the caller function.
- Generate
and test your function.
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