How to Use Object Browser

How to Use Object Browser

CM EvolveIT Object Browser allows filtering object that we want to show/hide as default in data-driven.
This document covers how to use CM EvolveIT Object Browser

How to open Object Browser:

Object Browser UI:

Object Browser UI Detail:

1. Filter input: 

Filter data in grid automatically when user input data into search.. textbox.

2. Add a new button: 

To add a new Object Browser Filter.
  1. Click on New button to open the pop-up

                  + Target Object Type: Select Object Type that we want to apply Object Filter
                  + Filter Text: Input to check
                  + Operator:

                  + Besides that, we can add Excludes Condition if we do not want to check by click on the "Add Condition" button.

3. Data Grid: 

      3.1. Grid Actions:

  1.  Edit Object Filter:

  1. Delete Object Filter:
  1. Sorting data: When clicking on the column header:

  1. Filter data:

      3.2. Apply or Revoke Object Filter: 

      After creating the object filter, we can apply or revoke object filter by:
  1. Apply or Revoke single row:
  1. Apply or Revoke multiple rows:
  1. Result: 

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