How to Enter License Code
After you get a License code please follow the next steps
Modules and Dates
Make sure that for each Modules in the list exist, with the No. of User and Valid Until Dates matches what you get in your License code document (PDF)

Note: The list from the image may be different to your, this will depends on the modules you have in the license
If there is any difference you can update your Modules information to match the license document
Select the Module to update from the list and change the values then click Apply, the new values should be reflected in the List
Enter License Code
Make sure the System Name matches with the System name in the License document (PDF) then enter the License Code and click "Check" button the Status color should change to Green

Note: if status color do not change to green make sure the Modules match the license document explained above. if module matches then even when the Status is in red close and reopen CM Matchpoint, this will revalidate the license code
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