How to Configure CM Matchpoint IBM Disptcher

How to Configure CM Matchpoint IBM Disptcher

This scenario explains how you can configure CM MatchPoint TCP/IP protocol services according to the end users needs.
TCP/IP does not use, or require, the QCMN subsystem. Therefore, these instructions are based on QCMN not being present.

You must have the following prerequisites to use TCP/IP with this release of CM Matchpoint:
  1. OS V7R00 or later
  2. TCP/IP configured and started on your System i
  3. TCP/IP version of the System i CM MatchPoint Dispatcher started on the System i

For CM Matchpoint clients to connect using TCP/IP, you must have the following:
  1. The CM MatchPoint TCP/IP Dispatcher started on the System i
  2. A port number assigned when starting the TCP/IP Dispatcher program
To configure CM MatchPoint TCP/IP Environment, follow these steps:
  1. Use YOBSYTCPDP TCP/IP Dispatcher Program
  2. Verify User Authority Requirements
  3. Verify Object Authorities
  4. Start the System i TCP/IP Dispatcher
The following diagram illustrates how to configure CM MatchPoint TCP/IP Environment:

Use YOBSYTCPDP TCP/IP Dispatcher Program

  1. Dispatcher uses a single socket for all communications between the client and the server so that only the specified port needs to be open through a firewall.
  2. Support for the IPv6 protocol (in addition to IPv4).
The Dispatcher programs supplied with are not compatible with previous version to V7R0 and earlier.

Verify User Authority Requirements

It is not necessary to set the USER parameter to QSECOFR, but the user parameter you supply must have the following authorities:
  1. *USE authority for objects QSYS/QSYGETPH and QSYS/QSYRLSPH.
  2. *ALLOBJ authority is not required, however, the connecting client user profile must provide *USE authority and *OBJMGT (Object Management) to the user profile that started the Dispatcher. This requirement is necessary because the user profile that started the Dispatcher is then allowed to validate the connecting client user's i5/OS user profile and password.
  3. *SECADM authority is not required, however, the connecting client user profile will not be allowed to change its own expired password unless the user profile that started the Dispatcher has *SECADM authority. If you prefer to run the Dispatcher without *SECADM authority then you must provide alternative mechanisms for your end users to change their passwords. For more information, see Managing Passwords with System i TCP/IP Connections in the online help.

If the connecting client user profile is the same user profile that started the Dispatcher, it does not require *SECADM authority for resetting its own expired password.

Verify Object Authorities

The Grant Object Authority (GRTOBJAUT) command or the Edit Object Authority command can be used to grant these object authorities.

The STARTDSP user profile starts the Dispatcher (YOBSYTCPDP or YOBSYTCP) on the System i, which does not have *ALLOBJ authority but has *SECADM authority. The CONNECTUSR user profile is the connecting client user profile.


AUT(*OBJOPR *READ *EXECUTE) is equivalent to *USE authority when using the 'Edit Object Authority' (EDTOBJAUT) command.

In the previous example, the CONNECTUSR user profile will not be to able reset its own expired password because the STARTDSP user profile does not have Object Management (*OBJMGT) authority to the CONNECTUSR user profile.

In the next example, the CONNECTUSR user profile will be able to reset its own expired password because the STARTDSP user profile does have Object Management (*OBJMGT) authority to the CONNECTUSR user profile.


Start the System i TCP/IP Dispatcher

Review the preceding sections before you execute the examples on starting the System i TCP/IP Dispatcher.

 In these examples the parameter 50000 is the assigned port number. However, it can be any unused port number that is not in the range of port numbers previously registered with the Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA). These registered ports are typically within the range of 0 to 1023.

We recommend using port numbers between 2000 and 62000 to avoid conflicts with lower numbers as they become registered. Also note that port >=70000 is not a valid port number.

The YOBLISTEN job runs until it is ended manually or by the system IPLs. Set the SCDTIME parameter to a time after the IPL, when the STRTCP command was issued to complete the TCP/IP startup.
Example 1:
Write your own CL program to start MPCOM/YOBSYTCPDP , and call the CL program as part of your IPL.
Example 2:
Create a Job Schedule Entry (ADDJOBSCDE).
The following is an example you can use if your IPL happens nightly:

The PARM value in the previous statements must include the single quotes or the call will fail.

After submitting the ADDJOBSCDE command, the Dispatcher will not start until the scheduled time after the next IPL.

Start the Dispatcher Before the Next IPL

You can choose to start the Dispatcher before the next IPL.
Follow these steps:
  1. Enter the following from the command line: WRKJOBSCDE
  2. Enter 10 next to the job, and press Enter.
The job will start immediately (typically, you would only do this once on the day you set up the Dispatcher).

Start Additional TCP/IP Dispatchers

You can start additional CM MAtchPoint TCP/IP Dispatchers on additional ports at any time for testing purposes.
For instance, when first configuring CM MatchPoint TCP/IP to the System i, you may want to start the Dispatcher manually before adding the job to your startup routine.
To manually start the CM MatchPoint TCP/IP Dispatcher on a port
1 - Enter the following from the command line:
      The parameter passed into the YOBSYTCPDP (or YOBSYTCP) program must be an available, unused port number.
2 - Verify that your port has started by entering the following command on the command line:
  1. WRKTCPSTS *CNN (check the Local Port column for the port number you assigned)

Use QINTER as the job queue so that incoming CM MatchPoint clients get interactive response times. The job queue that starts the CM MatchPoint TCP/IP Dispatcher is used for submitting individual client jobs as they are requested. Using a batch job queue may cause your CM MatchPoint client jobs to sit in your batch job queues, subsequently causing a time-out and hanging behaviors on the client side.

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