This document will cover the basics of the CM EvolveIT Dashboard Asset Browser. There will be a discussion of the different options available in the dashboard Asset Browser.
After completing this document, you should have a basic understanding of the CM EvolveIT Dashboard Asset Browser and the different options available for analyzing JCL, Job Procedure, Application Program, Copybook, Table, Column, Mapset, and Screen.
1. Log in to the dashboard with a valid dashboard user id.
There is a built-in administrator that can be used for setup initially.
Built-in administrator (Default Password is ‘admin@1234!’)
Once logged in the dashboard view will display.
2. Asset Browser JCL.
Select Dashboard -> Asset Browser-> JCL
Enter a JCL Name and/or Description and click Search, There are also some options to check "recent searches" and "Whats's new".
There is also an auto-complete option available for searching by name/ description.
Enter the name/description as shown in the highlighted portion of the screenshot
Click on search and the JCL would be listed below with Actions option(Show backward and forward details).
Click on forward detail to get the list of Application Programs, JCL, Job Procedure, CopyBook, Table, Column, Mapset, and screen details which are being called from the Main JCL.
There are options such as More, call Graph and Export.
After the search, the JCL would be listed. Click the green arrow to get to the JCL Detail screen.
Please find the More, CallGraph and Report highlighted in the below screenshot
3. Asset Browser JCL- More options.
There are 2 options under More.
1. Notes
2. View Source
1. Notes:
There are options to provide public or private information.
More dropdown has Notes and View Source
A popup shows up for the notes option. Enter the details and then save/close
2. View Source:
The JCL source can be viewed using this View Source option.
Under More choose View Source to open a popup with source details
3. Asset Browser JCL- CallGraph options.
Call Graph has several options to the depth of function/program calls such as Self, Neighbor, Shallow, Middle, Deep, and full.
Choose Shallow for the given JCL. A Graph Viewer will display the JCL shallow level forward calls.
Choose Shallow under call graph
Graph Viewer for the specified JCL
Search Options
There are 2 search options available
1. Search for function using the top search bar. It would highlight(in green) the function name in the graph viewer flow.
Enter the function name to search
Search results are highlighted in Green
2. Search using Nodes Data which provides searched function details.
Search using Nodes Data was highlighted in red
Click on the bottom left corner icons representing the function type, this would toggle the display of the function.
Click Job Procedure Icon. This would hide all the job procedures available in the graph viewer. Click back to display those hidden functions
Below Screenshot shows the
Removing Orphan:
Hiding functions would make certain functions orphan as shown in the image below. Choose the Filter icon, uncheck the orphan nodes to remove all the orphan functions.
Violet - Indicates the orphan option selection
Yellow - Shows the nodes within which some are orphan(have no connection to any other node)
Red - Indicates the option to hide/display options. JCL Calls JCLPROC was hidden in the below screenshot
View and Report Options:
1. Horizontal and Vertical display options are available for the graph
2. Layout option:
a. import/Export features help in importing any modified graph and export the graph as a JSON file.
b. Refresh option for restoring the graph
3. The report has the option to print, export as a JSON file or Draw IO or CSV
Analysis Option:
1. Choose a function from the graph. It shows 3 options.
a. Remove: To be removed from the graph.
b. Forward option: To list all the functions it calls.
c. Backward option: To list all the calling functions.
2. Forward/ Backward option provides an option to display those called/calling functions. Individual functions or all the functions can be selected.
Highlighted in Red has the forward/backward program calls(green arrow) and remove option in red
First green arrow -> backward(calling program). Highlighted in red shows the calling program list. Click on any to list the programs
Separate pop up opens with program details and option to Add all or add any
3. Double click on any function which would open a separate graph to analyze the function separately.
Separate tab is highlighted in red
4. Asset Browser - Conclusion.
Asset browser JCL options are similar to all the other function types.