Edit Grid can be found in the current version of HSync templates.
To implement add the triple:
MyEntity ENT is a ENT Ability.EditList
By default all fields are editable. To prevent a field from being edited, add it to the local variable 'NonEditable' in TemplateGeneration.EvaluateDataAttribute.
For this example we will use a test entity, Vendeur Tablette, that inherits from edit grid:
Gestion Tablette Offline.Vendeur Tablette is a ENT Ability.EditList.
Generate Changes.
On the model set up an offline tablette build list that contains all the template generation functions for all the entities of the application.
After generating the offline tablette build list generate the Gestion Tablette Offline Server:
Now go to Eclipse.
To import all the generated functions right click and refresh the java project.
Then run the Application Generator.
When the application is running do the following:
Now right click and refresh the web project.
Run Tomcat server.