Deploying a WebClient application as a WAR file
You can deploy your WebClient
application by exporting it to a WAR file and then publish it to a Tomcat
server, to do this follow these steps:
- Installing
the Tomcat server service
a. Download
the Tomcat service installer from the Tomcat official page , we recommend
to use the version Tomcat 8.5 or higher

IMPORTANT: Please be sure that you download the Windows
Service Installer and not a compressed package from the selected Tomcat version
that you will use.

b. Install
the Tomcat service, please take a note of the port numbers that you set in the
configuration options during the installation process, these are the port
numbers that the Tomcat server will use once its service starts.

c. Once
the installation completes ,you can search for "configure tomcat" and make sure it says the service is running.

- Export
your WebClient application to a WAR file
a. In Eclipse, make right-click over your web project and then go to Export -> WAR file

b. In
the Export window, select the destination folder in which the WAR file will be
created, also check that your web project is selected

c. Click
on the “Finish” button and wait until the export process is completed, check
the destination folder to see that the WAR file was created

- Publish
your WAR file
a. Stop
the Tomcat service by clicking the option “Stop”.

b. Copy
your WAR file and paste it inside the webapps
folder that is located in the installation folder from your Tomcat version
(example C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 10.1\webapps)

c. Starts
the Tomcat service by clicking the “Start” button once the service is started a new
folder with the same name that your WAR file must be automatically created
inside the webapps folder.

d. Test
your application, use the same port number that the one you set on the
configuration window during the installation process for the Tomcat service.

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