Dashboard Configuration Tool

Dashboard Configuration Tool

Dashboard Configuration Tool

This document will cover the basics of the CM evolveIT Dashboard Configuration Tool. There will be a discussion about how to run the tool and use it to configure the dashboard.  We will also look at how to review existing dashboard configuration and examine information on the computer related to the dashboard.  

After completing this document, you should be able to run the Dashboard Configuration tool.  You will have an understanding of the different tasks that can be completed from the tool and how to review existing dashboard configurations.  

1. Log in to the computer with a user that has administrator privileges

2. Run the configuration tool

 Click the Shortcut Dashboard Config 10.5 on the Desktop, so the EvIT Dashboard Manager opens.  



3. Dashboard SetUp

OrientDB Auto Backup Setting 

Click on the Auto Backup Setting Button.  

The OrientDB Back Up configuration file is opened with NotePad. 



 Backup Configuration Options

  • delay: Defines the delay time for each backup. Supports the following suffixes:  
  • h: Delay measured in hours. 
  • d: Delay measured in days.
  • enabled: Defines whether it uses automatic backups 
  • true: Enables automatic backups 
  • false: Disables automatic backups 
  • firstTime: first time defines when to initiate the first backup in the schedule.  
    • It uses the format of HH:mm:ss 
  • targetDirectory: The backup folder, by default it is %EVOLVEIT_DATA%\databasebackup folder 


  • This file must be valid JSON file format; you cannot close the notepad if you break the syntax of this file. 
  • If this file format is broken, OrientDB cannot start properly. 
  • If you edit this file setting and your OrientDB service is already running, Restart-Service is required to make this in effect. 

 Set Up Dashboard with one click 

  • Simply click “SetUp EvolveIT Dashboard” button, it will take care of all required set up, and you get CM evolveIT Dashboard open in your browser.  
  • This process may take several minutes when your system has not enabled IIS. 
  • The takes completed by this process include 
    • Enable IIS 
    • Install JRE 
    • Install OrientDB Service and start 
    • Save necessary Configuration files 
    • Start Dashboard 
  • When the dashboard is set up,  a popup window will display with the validation results.   
  • Close the popup, and the dashboard login screen will open.  
  • Log in with Built-in user administrator with password admin@1234! 



Open Environment Variable 

  • Click on the Open System Environment Variable button.  
  • The Computer Environment Variables screen will display.   



4. OrientDB management

Install OrientDB Service 

  • The OrientDB Service will be installed when setting up the dashboard with one click. 
  • If the service has been uninstalled, it can be reinstalled by clicking on the Install OrientDB Service button.  

Uninstall OrientDB Service 

  • The OrientDB Service can be uninstalled by selecting the Uninstall OrientDB Service button.   
  • Before uninstalling the OrientDB Service, the Service must first be stopped in the Service UI.   

Open Service UI 

  • Click on the Open Service UI  button in the Dashboard Component Section of the dashboard manager.   
  • You can start/stop the service from this UI.  
  • It takes several minutes for the service to stop, be patient.  



5. Dashboard Websites Management

 CM evolveIT requires two websites to function correctly.  

  • Dashboard UI 
  • WebAPI  


  • The Websites section is used to Create, Remove and Update the two websites.   
  • Create Dashboard Websites. 
    • Creates the dashboard website.
    • Sets up the WebAPI website.
  • Remove Dashboard Websites.
    • Removes the dashboard website.
  • Update Dashboard Websites 
    • Updates the dashboard UI website.  


  • The IIS section of the Dashboard Manager allows you to start, stop and restart the websites.   
  • Open IIS UI 
    • Opens the IIS Manager in Windows.  
  • The deployed websites can be seen in IIS 
  • View application pools in IIS 

Start Websites 

  • Click on Start Websites starts websites in IIS but does not open it in the browser.   
  • There will be a message Dashboard Websites are Started. 

Stop Websites 

  • Click on Stop Websites to stop the Dashboard websites in IIS. 
  • There is not a message when the Websites are stopped.   

Restart Websites 

  • Click on Restart Websites to restart a the websites when they are running.   
  • There will be a message Dashboard Websites are Restarted 


View in IIS UI that websites are successfully deployed


Application Pools 


6. Manage Data Folder

Open Data folder 

  • This opens the dashboard data folder.   
  • The default folder is: C:\Users\Public\Documents\CMFirst\evolveIT\evolveIT_data 


Open Logging Folder

  • This button opens the Dashboard log folder.  
  • The default location is: C:\Users\Public\Documents\CMFirst\evolveIT\evolveIT_data\Logs 

Open WebData Folder

  • This button opens the Dashboard WebData folder.  
  • The default location is: C:\CMFirst\evolveIT-{$version}\WebData

7. Run

Dashboard (Browser)
  • Run the deployed CM evolveIT Dashboard  

WEBAPI (Browser) 

  • Run the WebAPI webpage 


8. Trouble shooting

Stopping OrientDB service takes long time 

  • It is normal. Please wait  

Dashboard opens but cannot login 

  • OrientDB Service Startup type says “Manual” 
  • Database startup parameter is invalid.
  • Please contact CM First support with an image of this screen and the full-text copy of “Java Options:” 


OrientDB Service UI Startup type says “Disabled” 

  • Restart your System is required 

OrientDB Service UI, both Start and Stop buttons are disabled 

  • Uninstall OrientDB Service and restart your System 

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