CM evolveIT Text Search
This document will cover the basics of the CM evolveIT Dashboard Text Search.
After completing this document, you should have a basic understanding of the CM evolveIT Dashboard Text Search
This feature provides searching text data within all source codes processed for the current inventory database opened. The search using pre-indexed allocated search engine. Therefore, it provides very fast response time.
NOTE: The index creation is automatically triggered as a part of create/refresh inventory.
1.1. Searching Documents
Select Dashboard -> Search-> Text Search
1.1.1 Simple search
Enter a Search Text then click the ‘Search’ button.
Below image is as a result searching ‘COUNTRY’ against entire source files.
- 25 items are hit.
- Expandable results
- Display each hit item type with icon. (Type column)
- Action you can take.
Source code
Item Detail
Diagram Viewer
- Export entire result as json or csv files.
1.1.2 Advanced search
Search Input:
- Asset Type: if you know what type of source you want to search, you can narrow down target sources. If you select ‘Copybook’, it only searches Copybook sources.
o Default is All,
o Select any other options, like Application Program, Copybook, JCL etc.
- Document Type: Depended on Asset Type, there could be multiple source codes exists. You can narrow more specific. This option is hidden if Asset Type is All.
- Search Text: Enter the text to search.
o Tips
§ Use Double Quote if your search text contains special character such as space, -, _ etc. (it is safe to use Double Quote if your input contains other than number or alphabet)
· Use + or – (+ means includes and -excludes)
o +Divide +12: Find source contains both ‘Divide’ and ‘12’.
o +Divide -12: Find source contains ‘Divide’ without ‘12’.
· Wildcard search with ?, or *.
o ?: to replace a single character
o *: to replace zero or more characters
· Fuzziness search with ~.
o DAY~1 : results hit similar with Day but one character differences. This hit like ‘DAY’, ‘MAY’, ‘DIY’, ‘DALY’, ‘DAYS’ etc.
§ Click Hint Button for more details.
- Search Per Line: Search Mode. Search against whole file or per line
o This impact if you use multiple words to search.
- Asset Name: Additional filter to limit result by Asset Name (Contains)
After the search, the asset
would be listed. Click the grey document icon to view document content.
After the search, the asset
would be listed. Click the blue street view icon to get to the asset Detail
After the search, the asset would be listed. Click the blue eye icon to get to the asset Graph View.