CM evolveIT ETL - Create a new Project Model

CM evolveIT ETL - Create a new Project Model

1. How to create a new project model?

  1. Workspace creation >> Project Models >> New

  1. Menu >> Workspace >> Project Model >> "+" button 

2. General information

To edit general information, select General tab (1)
Enter name (4), ETL Model (5), Source root folder (6), Target Root Folder (7)

Cancel: Cancel creating project and close the dialog (8)
Save: Save Project (9)
Help: Open the help page (10)

3. Source Files Assignment

To edit Source files, select Source Files tab (2):
Each project model has a list of source files (13), to select all available source files which workspace contains, select All (11).
To add assign source files, clicking Add button (12)
To remove source file (14) from the list, clicking remove button on each item

Assign source files

After clicks on add button to assign new source files to the project, a source files assignment dialog show be shown
To select source file from the current available list, select from dropdown list (1).
To select all available  source files, clicking All button (2)
To create a new source file, clicking New button (3) 

After selecting source files, they should be shown in the list (4).
To remove item from list (2), clicking remove button on each item.

Cancel (6): Cancel source files assignment
Update (7): Add the selected list source files into project's source files

4. Asset Models Assignment

To edit Asset Models select Asset Models tab (3):
Each project model has a list of asset models (17), to select all available source files which workspace contains, select All (15).
To add assign asset models, clicking Add button (16)
To remove asset model(18) from the list, clicking remove button on each item

After clicks on add button to assign new asset model to the project, an asset models assignment dialog show be shown
To select asset model from the current available list, select from dropdown list (1).
To select all available  asset models, clicking All button (2)
To create a new  asset model , clicking New button (3) 

After selecting asset models , they should be shown in the list (4).
To remove item from list (2), clicking remove button on each item.

Cancel (6): Cancel asset models assignment
Update (7): Add the selected list  asset models into project's  asset models

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