CM evolveIT Asset Browser

CM evolveIT Asset Browser

Evolve IT Asset Browser

This document will cover the basics of the CM evolveIT Dashboard Asset Browser. There will be a discussion of the different options available in the dashboard Asset Browser.

Asset Browser is one of the main entry points to access powerful CM evolveIT Dashboard. It is best fit, if you know the type of Asset and name to look up.

Sample Scenarios:

-       Copybook X is used by which programs?

0.    Asset Browser-> Copybook

1.    Type Name ‘X’

2.    click Search button.

3.    Open Asset Detail

4.    Check ‘Application Program’ tab.

-       Program P is called by?

0.    Asset Browser-> Application program

1.    Type Name ‘P’

2.    click Search button.

3.    Open Asset Detail

4.    Check ‘Application Program’ tab.

5.    Also using Copybooks listed

-       Program Q is called by which JCL directly and indirectly?

0.    Asset Browser-> Application program

1.    Type Name ‘Q’

2.    click Search button.

3.    Open Asset Detail

4.    Change Direction to ‘Backward’

5.    Change Depth to ‘Full’

6.    Check ‘JCL’ tab.

7.    Also, all programs appear in full backward call graph appears.


After completing this document, you understand what above steps are and how to do by yourself, finally you can analyze any Asset.


1. Asset Browser  

This document uses ‘JCL’ as asset type.

Select Dashboard -> Asset Browser-> JCL 

1.1 Search Items

Enter a JCL Name and/or Description and click Search Button.

There is also an auto-complete option available for searching by name/ description.

Typing the name/description displays Asset candidates


Click on search and the Asset would be listed below with Actions.

After the search, the Assets would be listed. Click the blue street view icon  to get to the Asset Detail View.

Click ‘Show Graph’ icon  opens Diagram View.

1.2 Recent Items Tab

Keep Items accessed recently.

1.3 What’s New Tab

List new and Updated Items

2. Asset Detail

2.1. Overview

This View provides:

            1.       Asset Detail information

            2.       Related Assets

            3.       Provide switching Related Assets

            -       Direction: Backward, Local, Forward

            -       Depth Self, Neighbor, Shallow, Middle, Deep and Full.

            -       Direction and Depth options vary by Asset Type

            4.       More action

            5.       Opening Graph Viewer

            6.       Export current data as various file formats



2.2. More Menu

More dropdown has Notes and View Source

2.2.1. Notes: 

      You can add memo to the current Asset. Setting ‘public’ the Note is visible to other users.

 A Note window appears you can view and enter notes.


2.2.2. View Source:

This option is only available for the asset that has Source code(s). If the Asset has a source code(s), they can be viewed using this View Source option.

Code Viewer window appears and if source code(s) exists, it is displayed. Simple search is available.

2.3. Call Graph

Display current data as Diagram or Table view.

See 3. Graph Viewer


2.4. Export

Provide exporting current data as various format file. Very large data output requires extra time.

3. Graph Viewer

3.1 Overview

CM evolveIT Graph Viewer provides unique and interactive view of Assets.

Graph Viewer


3.2 Search Options

There are 2 search options available.

 3.2.1. Search for function using the top search bar. It would highlight (in green) the asset name in the graph viewer.       

Enter the function name to search.

Search results are highlighted with green edge.

 3.2.2. Search using Nodes List


Click Right top corner ‘Nodes List’. Display all Nodes and filter is available


By selecting any Node bring it to center


3.3. Display/Hide

3.3.1 by Node or Edge

Click on the bottom right corner icons representing the Node type, this would toggle the display of the function.

Click ‘Job Proc’ Icon would hide all the job procedures in the graph viewer. Click again back to display those hidden Nodes.

Before                                                                                                                           After

3.3.2. Show Hidden Items:

Asset set to be hidden doesn’t appear Diagram viewer on initial view,

By quacking  they are displayed.

Before                                                                                                                                             After



3.4 View and Report Options:


3.4.1. Horizontal, Breadth First and Vertical display options are available for the graph. 

3.4.2. Direction and Depth option:   

3.4.3. Layout option:

3.4.4. The Export has the option to export as a JSON, csv, excel, pdf or Draw IO

3.4.5. Merge Graph button: To combine 2 graphs as one view


3.5. Node Action:

 3.5.1. Append section:

You are able to load more data to Diagram using pre-defined Direction and Depth

      a. Backward option: Append new nodes and edges to current graph.

      b. Forward option: Append new nodes and edges to current graph.

      c. Local option: Append new nodes and edges to current graph.


 3.5.2. Analysis section

       a. Remove: The Node is removed from current view. (Not removed from database)


   b. Incoming relations (Backward option):

 List specific Relations and count

Click opens pop up

You chose Nodes to be added to View by clicking individual row check box.

Or click ‘Add All’ or ‘Remove All’ for bulk action.


    c. Out (Forward option):

The same with ‘In’




    d. View Graph:

 open a new Tab to analyze the current node insolately.   



3.5.3. View node/Source code section

Open Note and Source code Viewer

3.6. Table mode view for graph:

Current Nodes are displayed as Table view mode.



3.6.1. Grid actions:

 a. Sort: When click on column name.

b. Filter


3.6.2: Row click action:

a. Display row property

b. Highlight related nodes with selected row.


c. View Graph Icon: open a separate graph to analyze the function separately.   

4.5.2: Hide Unrelated Rows: Just display related rows with selected row.

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