CA 2E Deep Analysis/POC

CA 2E Deep Analysis/POC

Steps to Provide Information for CA 2E Deep Analysis and/or POC

Please share item #1 and #2 first, if #3 and #4 require significant additional time.

1.  Create a save file of the 2E model libraries.

Model Library (use SAVLIB command and save to V7R3M0 if your system is V7R4M0 or higher).

Normally the model library has mdl at the end of the library name.  XYZMDL is a sample.

2.  Create a save file of the 2E generation library source and compiled objects comprising the analysis and/or POC

Please include a list of all the program and files that will be part of the Analysis/POC.

Save the source for all programs, files, screens that are part of the Analysis/POC.

Save the compiled objects of all the programs and files that are part of the Analysis/POC.

The files should contain test data. Do not send production or sensitive data.


Library (use SAVOBJ command and save to V7R3M0 if your system is V7R4M0 or higher).

Normally the GEN library has GEN at the end of the library name XYZGEN.

3.  Create a save file of the application menu. 

Use SAVOBJ command to save the file YDSNMNU file.  Normally, this is found in the 2E GEN library.

Menu file YDSNMNU (if 2E menus are used).  If 2E menus are not used, please request guidance


4. Please provide test cases for POC application.

Detailed steps and/or videos.

5.  Send all data gathered in the prior steps.

Please zip your files and upload to to our secure dropbox