Assets List For IBM® Enterprise Systems
CM evolveIT Supported Assets for Main Frame
This document will list all assets supported and relations for MainFrame
1. Application Program
1.1. Properties
DisplayName | Name |
Name | name |
Description | description |
Dificulty | hdiff |
Paragraph Count | npara |
Statement Count | nstmt |
Entrypoint Count | nentrypoint |
Dead Paragraph Count | ndeadpara |
Size | hvolume |
Source | source |
uoperands | uoperands |
Snapshot Date | executeddate |
Is Visible | IsVisible |
1.2. Relations
DisplayName | Name | Direction |
Program Call Program | program_calls_program | out |
Program Uses Extfile | program_extfile | out |
Program Access Data | program_datastore | out |
Program Uses Screen | program_receivesscreen | out |
Program Ref Copybook | program_copybook | out |
IMS Config | hasimsconfig | out |
Use IMSPcb | usespcb | out |
Segment Access | makessegmentaccess | out |
Program Starts Transaction | program_starts_transaction | out |
Program Cancels Transaction | program_cancels_transaction | out |
Program Returns To Transaction | program_returnsto_transaction | out |
Write Data | object_writedata | out |
Read Data | object_readdata | out |
Program Calls Program | program_calls_program | in |
JCL Calls Program | jcl_program | in |
JOB Procedure Calls Program | jclproc_program | in |
Link Card Includes Program | linkcard_program | in |
Group Contains Programs | fct_containsprogram | in |
Region Contains Programs | cicsregion_containsprogram | in |
2. Business Term
2.1. Properties
DisplayName | Name |
Name | Name |
Description | description |
Is Visible | IsVisible |
2.2. Relations
DisplayName | Name | Direction |
Business Term Items | BusinessTerm_Item | out |
3. CICS Queue
3.1. Properties
DisplayName | Name |
Name | name |
Description | description |
Snapshot Date | executeddate |
Is Visible | IsVisible |
3.2. Relations
DisplayName | Name | Direction |
Write Data | object_writedata | in |
Read Data | object_readdata | in |
Group Contains CICS Queues | fct_containsqueue | in |
Region Contains CICS Queues | cicsregion_containsqueue | in |
4. CICS Region
4.1. Properties
DisplayName | Name |
Name | name |
Description | description |
Snapshot Date | executeddate |
Is Visible | IsVisible |
4.2. Relations
DisplayName | Name | Direction |
Region Contains Ext Files | cicsregion_extfile | out |
Region Contains Files | cicsregion_file | out |
Region Contains Mapsets | cicsregion_containsscreenset | out |
Region Contains Programs | cicsregion_containsprogram | out |
Region Contains CICS Queues | cicsregion_containsqueue | out |
Region Contains Transactions | cicsregion_containstransaction | out |
5. Column
5.1. Properties
DisplayName | Name |
Seq | seq |
Name | name |
Snapshot Date | executeddate |
Is Visible | IsVisible |
Data Type | type |
Size | size |
5.2. Relations
DisplayName | Name | Direction |
Table Has Colmun | table_column | in |
View Has Colmun | view_column | in |
Write Data | object_writedata | in |
Read Data | object_readdata | in |
6. Copybook
6.1. Properties
DisplayName | Name |
Name | name |
Description | description |
Snapshot Date | executeddate |
Is Visible | IsVisible |
6.2. Relations
DisplayName | Name | Direction |
Program Ref Copybook | program_copybook | in |
Copybook Ref Copybook | copybook_copybook | in |
Copybook Ref Copybook | copybook_copybook | out |
Copybook Defines | copybook_defines | out |
7. Database
7.1. Properties
DisplayName | Name |
Vendor | vendor |
Name | name |
Description | description |
7.2. Relations
DisplayName | Name | Direction |
Database Contains | database_collection | out |
8. Datumnodeanon
8.1. Properties
DisplayName | Name |
Name | name |
DL Node Type | DL_Type |
Title | slicenode_title |
Program | slicenode_programname |
Item Type | slicenode_itemtype |
Data Name | datumnode_dataname |
Source Block | sourceblock |
8.2. Relations
9.1. Properties
DisplayName | Name |
Name | name |
Description | description |
9.2. Relations
DisplayName | Name | Direction |
Defines Segmentaccess | definessegmentaccess | out |
Defines PCB | definespcb | in |
Uses PCB | usespcb | in |
10. Ext File
10.1. Properties
DisplayName | Name |
Name | name |
Original Name | originalname |
Snapshot Date | executeddate |
Is Visible | IsVisible |
10.2. Relations
DisplayName | Name | Direction |
Program Uses Ext File | program_extfile | in |
Write Data | object_writedata | in |
Read Data | object_readdata | in |
Group Contains Ext Files | fct_extfile | in |
Region Contains Ext Files | cicsregion_extfile | in |
Copybook Defines | copybook_defines | in |
11. CICS Group
11.1. Properties
DisplayName | Name |
Name | name |
Description | description |
Snapshot Date | executeddate |
Is Visible | IsVisible |
11.2. Relations
DisplayName | Name | Direction |
Group Contains Ext Files | fct_extfile | out |
Group Contains Files | fct_file | out |
Group Contains Mapsets | fct_containsscreenset | out |
Group Contains Programs | fct_containsprogram | out |
Group Contains CICS Queues | fct_containsqueue | out |
Group Contains Transactions | fct_containstransaction | out |
12. File
12.1. Properties
DisplayName | Name |
Name | name |
Snapshot Date | executeddate |
Is Visible | IsVisible |
12.2. Relations
DisplayName | Name | Direction |
Program Uses Ext File | program_extfile | in |
JCL Uses File | jclproc_file | in |
JOB Procedure Uses File | jcl_file | in |
Group Contains Files | fct_file | in |
Region Contains Files | cicsregion_file | in |
13. IMS Segment
13.1. Properties
DisplayName | Name |
Name | name |
Description | description |
13.2. Relations
DisplayName | Name | Direction |
databasecontainssegment | databasecontainssegment | in |
segmentisaccessed | segmentisaccessed | out |
14. JCL
14.1. Properties
DisplayName | Name |
Name | name |
Step Count | nstep |
Description | description |
Dificulty | hdiff |
Paragraph Count | npara |
Statement Count | nstmt |
Entrypoint Count | nentrypoint |
Dead Paragraph Count | ndeadpara |
Size | hvolume |
Source | source |
uoperands | uoperands |
Snapshot Date | executeddate |
Is Visible | IsVisible |
14.2. Relations
DisplayName | Name | Direction |
JCL Calls Program | jcl_program | out |
JCL Uses JOB Procedure | jcl_jclproc | out |
JCL Access file | jcl_file | out |
JCL Access Data | jcl_table | out |
JCL Calls JCL | jcl_jcl | out |
JCL Step | jcl_step | out |
15. JOB Procedure
15.1. Properties
DisplayName | Name |
Name | name |
Description | description |
Snapshot Date | executeddate |
15.2. Relations
DisplayName | Name | Direction |
JOB Procedure Instance | jclproc_instance | out |
16. JOB Procedure
16.1. Properties
DisplayName | Name |
Name | name |
Description | description |
Type | tp |
Snapshot Date | executeddate |
Is Visible | IsVisible |
16.2. Relations
DisplayName | Name | Direction |
JOB Procedure Calls JOB Procedure | jclproc_jclproc | out |
JOB Procedure Instance | jclproc_instance | out |
JOB Procedure Calls Program | jclproc_program | out |
JOB Procedure Uses file | jclproc_file | out |
JOB Procedure Calls JOB Procedure | jcl_jclproc | in |
JOB Procedure Calls JOB Procedure | jclproc_jclproc | in |
JOB Procedure Instance | jclproc_instance | in |
17. Link Card
17.1. Properties
DisplayName | Name |
Name | name |
Snapshot Date | executeddate |
Is Visible | IsVisible |
missing | missing |
17.2. Relations
DisplayName | Name | Direction |
Link Card Entry Program | linkcard_entry | out |
Link Card Includs Program | linkcard_program | out |
18.1. Properties
DisplayName | Name |
Name | name |
Description | description |
18.2. Relations
DisplayName | Name | Direction |
Menu Opens Menu | Menu_Opens_Menu | out |
Menu Calls JCL | Menu_jcl | out |
Menu Calls Application Program | Menu_applicationprogram | out |
Menu Opens Menu | Menu_Opens_Menu | in |
19. Parm Card
19.1. Properties
DisplayName | Name |
Name | name |
Description | description |
Missing | missing |
19.2. Relations
DisplayName | Name | Direction |
JCL Uses Parm Card | jobreferencesparm | in |
JCL Proc Uses Parm Card | procreferencesparm | in |
Step Uses Parm Card | step_parm | in |
20. Database PCB
20.1. Properties
DisplayName | Name |
Name | name |
Description | description |
20.2. Relations
DisplayName | Name | Direction |
Database Contains Segment | databasecontainssegment | out |
21. Physical Dataset
21.1. Properties
DisplayName | Name |
Name | name |
Is Visible | IsVisible |
21.2. Relations
DisplayName | Name | Direction |
Dataset is file | datasetisfile | out |
22. Procnodeanon
22.1. Properties
DisplayName | Name |
Name | name |
DL Node Type | DL_Type |
Title | slicenode_title |
Program | slicenode_programname |
Statement | procnode_statement |
Source Block | sourceblock |
22.2. Relations
23. Calls
23.1. Properties
DisplayName | Name |
Type | program_calls_type |
23.2. Relations
24. PSBGen
24.1. Properties
DisplayName | Name |
Name | name |
Description | description |
24.2. Relations
DisplayName | Name | Direction |
hasimsconfig | hasimsconfig | in |
Defines PCB | definespcb | out |
25. Screen
25.1. Properties
DisplayName | Name |
Name | name |
Description | description |
Set | set |
Type | tp |
Snapshot Date | executeddate |
Is Visible | IsVisible |
25.2. Relations
DisplayName | Name | Direction |
Program Uses Screen | program_receivesscreen | in |
26. Mapset
26.1. Properties
DisplayName | Name |
Type | tp |
Name | name |
Snapshot Date | executeddate |
Is Visible | IsVisible |
26.2. Relations
DisplayName | Name | Direction |
Group Contains Mapsets | fct_containsscreenset | in |
Region Contains Mapsets | cicsregion_containsscreenset | in |
Contains Screen | screenset_screen | out |
27. Segment Access
27.1. Properties
DisplayName | Name |
Name | name |
Description | description |
27.2. Relations
DisplayName | Name | Direction |
segmentisaccessed | segmentisaccessed | in |
Segment Access | makessegmentaccess | in |
Define Segment Access | definessegmentaccess | in |
28. Step
28.1. Properties
DisplayName | Name |
Name | name |
Description | description |
28.2. Relations
DisplayName | Name | Direction |
JCL Step | jcl_step | in |
JOB Procedure Step | jclproc_step | in |
Step Calls Program | step_program | out |
Step Calls JOB Procedure | step_jclproc | out |
Step Uses Parm Card | step_parm | out |
29. Table
29.1. Properties
DisplayName | Name |
Vendor | vendor |
DB Name | databasename |
Name | name |
Description | description |
Snapshot Date | executeddate |
Is Visible | IsVisible |
29.2. Relations
DisplayName | Name | Direction |
Program Access DB | program_datastore | in |
Database Has Table | database_collection | in |
Write Data | object_writedata | in |
Read Data | object_readdata | in |
maybe | maybe | in |
Copybook Defines | copybook_defines | in |
Table Has Colmun | table_column | out |
maybe | maybe | out |
30. TP PCB
30.1. Properties
DisplayName | Name |
Name | name |
Description | description |
30.2. Relations
DisplayName | Name | Direction |
Defines Transaction | definestransaction | out |
Defines PCB | definespcb | in |
Uses PCB | usespcb | in |
31. Transaction
31.1. Properties
DisplayName | Name |
Name | name |
Description | description |
Snapshot Date | executeddate |
Is Visible | IsVisible |
31.2. Relations
DisplayName | Name | Direction |
Program Starts Transaction | program_starts_transaction | in |
Program Cancels Transaction | program_cancels_transaction | in |
Program Returns To Transaction | program_returnsto_transaction | in |
Group Contains Transactions | fct_containstransaction | in |
Region Contains Transactions | cicsregion_containstransaction | in |
Transaction Runs Program | transaction_runs_program | out |
32. Other Asset
32.1. Properties
DisplayName | Name |
Name | name |
Description | description |
Snapshot Date | executeddate |
Is Visible | IsVisible |
32.2. Relations
33. View
33.1. Properties
DisplayName | Name |
Vendor | vendor |
DB Name | databasename |
Name | name |
Description | description |
Snapshot Date | executeddate |
Is Visible | IsVisible |
33.2. Relations
DisplayName | Name | Direction |
Program Access DB | program_datastore | in |
Database Has View | database_collection | in |
Write Data | object_writedata | in |
Read Data | object_readdata | in |
View Based on | view_basedon | in |
maybe | maybe | in |
Copybook Defines | copybook_defines | in |
View Has Colmun | view_column | out |
View Based on | view_basedon | out |
maybe | maybe | out |
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